<title>Kollaborateure – Involvierte – Profiteure. Erarbeitung eines Online-Lexikons zur Musik in der NS-Zeit</title>
<dc:creator>Oancea, Theodora</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Pollmann, Joachim</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Spieker, Jonas</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Jaeschke, Nina</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Grotjahn, Rebecca</dc:creator>
<dc:description><jats:p>Since 2018 a group of musicology students at the Department of musicology of the University of Paderborn and the University of Music Detmold has been developing an online database called Kollaborateure – Involvierte – Profiteure. Musik in der NS-Zeit. Integral part of this database are articles on musicians, composers, employees in ministries and organisations affiliated to the party, musicologists, music editors and publishers from the Nazi era. In addition to the source-based biographical key data, the prosography focuses on the current research situation related to the respective person, a detailed description of the networks in the denazification processes and presents comprehensive lists of all writings, musical works, speeches and a list of his or her memberships. In future, further authors are to be won over to the project in order to create new articles or to update existing ones.</jats:p></dc:description>
<dc:publisher>Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold</dc:publisher>
<dc:source>Oancea T, Pollmann J, Spieker J. Kollaborateure – Involvierte – Profiteure. Erarbeitung eines Online-Lexikons zur Musik in der NS-Zeit. In: Jaeschke N, Grotjahn R, eds. <i>Freie Beiträge zur Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung 2019</i>. Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold; 2020. doi:<a href="https://doi.org/10.25366/2020.67">10.25366/2020.67</a></dc:source>
<dc:title>Kollaborateure – Involvierte – Profiteure. Erarbeitung eines Online-Lexikons zur Musik in der NS-Zeit</dc:title>