17 Publications

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2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53304
@inproceedings{Kuschel_Hasija_Marrinan_2024, title={Rademacher Complexity Regularization for Correlation-Based Multiview Representation Learning}, DOI={10.1109/icassp48485.2024.10446173}, booktitle={ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Kuschel, Maurice and Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Timothy}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53301
@article{Vieluf_Hasija_Kuschel_Reinsberger_Loddenkemper_2023, title={Developing a deep canonical correlation-based technique for seizure prediction}, volume={234}, DOI={10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120986}, number={120986}, journal={Expert Systems with Applications}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Vieluf, Solveig and Hasija, Tanuj and Kuschel, Maurice and Reinsberger, Claus and Loddenkemper, Tobias}, year={2023} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53303
@inproceedings{Kuschel_Marrinan_Hasija_2023, title={Geodesic-Based Relaxation For Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis}, DOI={10.1109/mlsp55844.2023.10285937}, booktitle={2023 IEEE 33rd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Kuschel, Maurice and Marrinan, Timothy and Hasija, Tanuj}, year={2023} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 49825
@inproceedings{Lehmann_Acar_Hasija_Akhonda_Calhoun_Schreier_Adali_2022, title={Multi-Task fMRI Data Fusion Using IVA and PARAFAC2}, DOI={10.1109/icassp43922.2022.9747662}, booktitle={ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lehmann, Isabell and Acar, Evrim and Hasija, Tanuj and Akhonda, M.A.B.S. and Calhoun, Vince D. and Schreier, Peter and Adali, Tulay}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40669
@inproceedings{Hasija_Marrinan_2022, title={A GLRT for estimating the number of correlated components in sample-poor mCCA}, booktitle={Proc. 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Timothy}, year={2022}, pages={2091–2095} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40670
@inproceedings{Lehmann_Acar_Hasija_Akhonda_Calhoun_Schreier_Adali_2022, title={Multi-Task fMRI Data Fusion Using IVA and PARAFAC2}, DOI={10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747662}, booktitle={Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, author={Lehmann, Isabell and Acar, Evrim and Hasija, Tanuj and Akhonda, M.A.B.S. and Calhoun, Vince D. and Schreier, Peter J. and Adali, Tülay}, year={2022}, pages={1466–1470} }
LibreCat | DOI
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37611
@article{Hasija_Marrinan_Lameiro_Schreier_2020, title={Determining the dimension and structure of the subspace correlated across multiple data sets}, volume={176}, DOI={10.1016/j.sigpro.2020.107613}, journal={Signal Processing}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Timothy and Lameiro, Christian and Schreier, Peter J}, year={2020} }
LibreCat | DOI
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31710
@article{Vieluf_Scheer_Hasija_Schreier_Reinsberger_2020, title={Multimodal approach towards understanding the changes in the autonomic nervous system induced by an ultramarathon.}, volume={28}, number={2}, journal={Res Sports Med}, author={Vieluf, S and Scheer, V and Hasija, Tanuj and Schreier, PJ and Reinsberger, Claus}, year={2020}, pages={231–240} }
LibreCat | PubMed | Europe PMC
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37612
@inproceedings{Hasija_Gölz_Muma_Schreier_Zoubir_2019, title={Source Enumeration and Robust Voice Activity Detection in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks}, booktitle={Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, Computers}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Gölz, Martin and Muma, Michael and Schreier, Peter J and Zoubir, Abdelhak M}, year={2019} }
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40681
@inproceedings{Lameiro_Hasija_Marrinan_Schreier_2019, title={Estimating the Number of Correlated Components Based on Random Projections}, booktitle={ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, author={Lameiro, Christian and Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Tim and Schreier, Peter J}, year={2019}, pages={5152–5156} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31709
@article{Vieluf_Hasija_Jakobsmeyer_Schreier_Reinsberger_2019, title={Exercise-Induced Changes of Multimodal Interactions Within the Autonomic Nervous Network.}, volume={10}, journal={Front Physiol}, author={Vieluf, S and Hasija, Tanuj and Jakobsmeyer, Rasmus and Schreier, PJ and Reinsberger, Claus}, year={2019}, pages={240} }
LibreCat | PubMed | Europe PMC
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40702
@inproceedings{Marrinan_Hasija_Lameiro_Schreier_2018, title={Complete Model Selection in Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis}, booktitle={Proc. European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO)}, author={Marrinan, T. and Hasija, Tanuj and Lameiro, C. and Schreier, P. J.}, year={2018}, pages={1082–1086} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40711
@article{Hasija_Lameiro_Schreier_2017, title={Determining the dimension of the improper signal subspace in complex-valued data}, volume={24}, journal={IEEE Signal Process. Lett.}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Lameiro, Christian and Schreier, Peter J.}, year={2017}, pages={1606–1610} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40720
@article{Song_Schreier_Ramírez_Hasija_2016, title={Canonical correlation analysis of high-dimensional data with very small sample support}, volume={128}, journal={Signal Process.}, author={Song, Yang and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David and Hasija, Tanuj}, year={2016}, pages={449–458} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40723
@inproceedings{Hasija_Song_Schreier_Ramírez_2016, place={Palma de Mallorca, Spain}, title={Detecting the dimension of the subspace correlated across multiple data sets in the sample poor regime}, booktitle={Proc.\ IEEE Work.\ Stat.\ Signal Process.}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Song, Yang and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David}, year={2016} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40718
@inproceedings{Hasija_Song_Schreier_Ramírez_2016, place={Pacific Grove, CA, USA}, title={Bootstrap-based detection of the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets}, booktitle={Proc.\ Asilomar Conf.\ Signals\ Syst. Computers}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Song, Yang and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David}, year={2016} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40721
@inproceedings{Song_Hasija_Schreier_Ramírez_2016, place={Budapest, Hungary}, title={Determining the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets for small sample support}, booktitle={Proc.\ Eur.\ Signal Process.\ Conf.}, author={Song, Yang and Hasija, Tanuj and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David}, year={2016} }


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17 Publications

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2024 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53304
@inproceedings{Kuschel_Hasija_Marrinan_2024, title={Rademacher Complexity Regularization for Correlation-Based Multiview Representation Learning}, DOI={10.1109/icassp48485.2024.10446173}, booktitle={ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Kuschel, Maurice and Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Timothy}, year={2024} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53301
@article{Vieluf_Hasija_Kuschel_Reinsberger_Loddenkemper_2023, title={Developing a deep canonical correlation-based technique for seizure prediction}, volume={234}, DOI={10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120986}, number={120986}, journal={Expert Systems with Applications}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Vieluf, Solveig and Hasija, Tanuj and Kuschel, Maurice and Reinsberger, Claus and Loddenkemper, Tobias}, year={2023} }
LibreCat | DOI
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53303
@inproceedings{Kuschel_Marrinan_Hasija_2023, title={Geodesic-Based Relaxation For Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis}, DOI={10.1109/mlsp55844.2023.10285937}, booktitle={2023 IEEE 33rd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Kuschel, Maurice and Marrinan, Timothy and Hasija, Tanuj}, year={2023} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 49825
@inproceedings{Lehmann_Acar_Hasija_Akhonda_Calhoun_Schreier_Adali_2022, title={Multi-Task fMRI Data Fusion Using IVA and PARAFAC2}, DOI={10.1109/icassp43922.2022.9747662}, booktitle={ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lehmann, Isabell and Acar, Evrim and Hasija, Tanuj and Akhonda, M.A.B.S. and Calhoun, Vince D. and Schreier, Peter and Adali, Tulay}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40669
@inproceedings{Hasija_Marrinan_2022, title={A GLRT for estimating the number of correlated components in sample-poor mCCA}, booktitle={Proc. 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Timothy}, year={2022}, pages={2091–2095} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40670
@inproceedings{Lehmann_Acar_Hasija_Akhonda_Calhoun_Schreier_Adali_2022, title={Multi-Task fMRI Data Fusion Using IVA and PARAFAC2}, DOI={10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747662}, booktitle={Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, author={Lehmann, Isabell and Acar, Evrim and Hasija, Tanuj and Akhonda, M.A.B.S. and Calhoun, Vince D. and Schreier, Peter J. and Adali, Tülay}, year={2022}, pages={1466–1470} }
LibreCat | DOI
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37611
@article{Hasija_Marrinan_Lameiro_Schreier_2020, title={Determining the dimension and structure of the subspace correlated across multiple data sets}, volume={176}, DOI={10.1016/j.sigpro.2020.107613}, journal={Signal Processing}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Timothy and Lameiro, Christian and Schreier, Peter J}, year={2020} }
LibreCat | DOI
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31710
@article{Vieluf_Scheer_Hasija_Schreier_Reinsberger_2020, title={Multimodal approach towards understanding the changes in the autonomic nervous system induced by an ultramarathon.}, volume={28}, number={2}, journal={Res Sports Med}, author={Vieluf, S and Scheer, V and Hasija, Tanuj and Schreier, PJ and Reinsberger, Claus}, year={2020}, pages={231–240} }
LibreCat | PubMed | Europe PMC
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37612
@inproceedings{Hasija_Gölz_Muma_Schreier_Zoubir_2019, title={Source Enumeration and Robust Voice Activity Detection in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks}, booktitle={Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, Computers}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Gölz, Martin and Muma, Michael and Schreier, Peter J and Zoubir, Abdelhak M}, year={2019} }
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40681
@inproceedings{Lameiro_Hasija_Marrinan_Schreier_2019, title={Estimating the Number of Correlated Components Based on Random Projections}, booktitle={ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, author={Lameiro, Christian and Hasija, Tanuj and Marrinan, Tim and Schreier, Peter J}, year={2019}, pages={5152–5156} }
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31709
@article{Vieluf_Hasija_Jakobsmeyer_Schreier_Reinsberger_2019, title={Exercise-Induced Changes of Multimodal Interactions Within the Autonomic Nervous Network.}, volume={10}, journal={Front Physiol}, author={Vieluf, S and Hasija, Tanuj and Jakobsmeyer, Rasmus and Schreier, PJ and Reinsberger, Claus}, year={2019}, pages={240} }
LibreCat | PubMed | Europe PMC
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40702
@inproceedings{Marrinan_Hasija_Lameiro_Schreier_2018, title={Complete Model Selection in Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis}, booktitle={Proc. European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO)}, author={Marrinan, T. and Hasija, Tanuj and Lameiro, C. and Schreier, P. J.}, year={2018}, pages={1082–1086} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40711
@article{Hasija_Lameiro_Schreier_2017, title={Determining the dimension of the improper signal subspace in complex-valued data}, volume={24}, journal={IEEE Signal Process. Lett.}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Lameiro, Christian and Schreier, Peter J.}, year={2017}, pages={1606–1610} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40720
@article{Song_Schreier_Ramírez_Hasija_2016, title={Canonical correlation analysis of high-dimensional data with very small sample support}, volume={128}, journal={Signal Process.}, author={Song, Yang and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David and Hasija, Tanuj}, year={2016}, pages={449–458} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40723
@inproceedings{Hasija_Song_Schreier_Ramírez_2016, place={Palma de Mallorca, Spain}, title={Detecting the dimension of the subspace correlated across multiple data sets in the sample poor regime}, booktitle={Proc.\ IEEE Work.\ Stat.\ Signal Process.}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Song, Yang and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David}, year={2016} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40718
@inproceedings{Hasija_Song_Schreier_Ramírez_2016, place={Pacific Grove, CA, USA}, title={Bootstrap-based detection of the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets}, booktitle={Proc.\ Asilomar Conf.\ Signals\ Syst. Computers}, author={Hasija, Tanuj and Song, Yang and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David}, year={2016} }
2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40721
@inproceedings{Song_Hasija_Schreier_Ramírez_2016, place={Budapest, Hungary}, title={Determining the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets for small sample support}, booktitle={Proc.\ Eur.\ Signal Process.\ Conf.}, author={Song, Yang and Hasija, Tanuj and Schreier, Peter J. and Ramírez, David}, year={2016} }


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