{"publisher":"SERSC","conference":{"name":"International Conference on Information Science and Industrial Applications (ISI 2012)","location":"Cebu, Philippines","start_date":"2012-05-29","end_date":"2012-05-31"},"volume":4,"year":"2012","editor":[{"full_name":"Chang, Chin-Chen","last_name":"Chang","first_name":"Chin-Chen"},{"first_name":"Yvette E.","last_name":"Gelogo","full_name":"Gelogo, Yvette E."},{"first_name":"Ronnie E.","last_name":"Caytiles","full_name":"Caytiles, Ronnie E."}],"department":[{"_id":"36"},{"_id":"1"},{"_id":"579"}],"oa":"1","page":"371-378","publication_status":"published","type":"conference","status":"public","series_title":"Advanced Science and Technology Letters (ASTL)","_id":"1127","publication":"Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Scientific Literature Retrieval based on Terminological Paraphrases using Predicate Argument Tuple","author":[{"last_name":"Choi","full_name":"Choi, Sung-Pil","first_name":"Sung-Pil"},{"first_name":"Sa-kwang","full_name":"Song, Sa-kwang","last_name":"Song"},{"first_name":"Hanmin","last_name":"Jung","full_name":"Jung, Hanmin"},{"first_name":"Michaela","id":"42496","orcid":"0000-0002-8180-5606","last_name":"Geierhos","full_name":"Geierhos, Michaela"},{"last_name":"Myaeng","full_name":"Myaeng, Sung Hyon","first_name":"Sung Hyon"}],"place":"Sandy Bay, Australia","user_id":"13929","intvolume":" 4","abstract":[{"text":"The conceptual condensability of technical terms permits us to use them as effective queries to search scientific databases. However, authors often employ alternative expressions to represent the meanings of specific terms, in other words, Terminological Paraphrases (TPs) in the literature for certain reasons. In this paper, we propose an effective way to retrieve “de facto relevance documents” which only contain those TPs and cannot be searched by conventional models in an environment with only controlled vocabularies by adapting Predicate Argument Tuple (PAT). The experiment confirms that PAT-based document retrieval is an effective and promising method to search those kinds of documents and to improve terminology-based scientific information access models.","lang":"eng"}],"date_created":"2018-01-30T12:39:54Z","extern":"1","quality_controlled":"1","citation":{"chicago":"Choi, Sung-Pil, Sa-kwang Song, Hanmin Jung, Michaela Geierhos, and Sung Hyon Myaeng. “Scientific Literature Retrieval Based on Terminological Paraphrases Using Predicate Argument Tuple.” In Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012, edited by Chin-Chen Chang, Yvette E. Gelogo, and Ronnie E. Caytiles, 4:371–78. Advanced Science and Technology Letters (ASTL). Sandy Bay, Australia: SERSC, 2012.","ama":"Choi S-P, Song S, Jung H, Geierhos M, Myaeng SH. Scientific Literature Retrieval based on Terminological Paraphrases using Predicate Argument Tuple. In: Chang C-C, Gelogo YE, Caytiles RE, eds. Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012. Vol 4. Advanced Science and Technology Letters (ASTL). Sandy Bay, Australia: SERSC; 2012:371-378.","short":"S.-P. Choi, S. Song, H. Jung, M. Geierhos, S.H. Myaeng, in: C.-C. Chang, Y.E. Gelogo, R.E. Caytiles (Eds.), Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012, SERSC, Sandy Bay, Australia, 2012, pp. 371–378.","ieee":"S.-P. Choi, S. Song, H. Jung, M. Geierhos, and S. H. Myaeng, “Scientific Literature Retrieval based on Terminological Paraphrases using Predicate Argument Tuple,” in Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012, Cebu, Philippines, 2012, vol. 4, pp. 371–378.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Choi_Song_Jung_Geierhos_Myaeng_2012, place={Sandy Bay, Australia}, series={Advanced Science and Technology Letters (ASTL)}, title={Scientific Literature Retrieval based on Terminological Paraphrases using Predicate Argument Tuple}, volume={4}, booktitle={Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012}, publisher={SERSC}, author={Choi, Sung-Pil and Song, Sa-kwang and Jung, Hanmin and Geierhos, Michaela and Myaeng, Sung Hyon}, editor={Chang, Chin-Chen and Gelogo, Yvette E. and Caytiles, Ronnie E.Editors}, year={2012}, pages={371–378}, collection={Advanced Science and Technology Letters (ASTL)} }","apa":"Choi, S.-P., Song, S., Jung, H., Geierhos, M., & Myaeng, S. H. (2012). Scientific Literature Retrieval based on Terminological Paraphrases using Predicate Argument Tuple. In C.-C. Chang, Y. E. Gelogo, & R. E. Caytiles (Eds.), Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012 (Vol. 4, pp. 371–378). Sandy Bay, Australia: SERSC.","mla":"Choi, Sung-Pil, et al. “Scientific Literature Retrieval Based on Terminological Paraphrases Using Predicate Argument Tuple.” Information Science and Industrial Applications: Proceedings, International Conference, ISI 2012, Cebu, Philippines, May 2012, edited by Chin-Chen Chang et al., vol. 4, SERSC, 2012, pp. 371–78."},"main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Scienti%EF%AC%81c-Literature-Retrieval-based-on-Paraphrases-Choi-Song/ac33c25d8704f760fd890b44f86bcefc38f3ff65"}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["22871233"]},"date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:50:58Z"}