{"type":"journal_article","publication":"Philips Journal of Research","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"This paper gives an overview of the Philips Research system for continuous-speech recognition. The recognition architecture is based on an integrated statistical approach. The system has been successfully applied to various tasks in American English and German, ranging from small vocabulary tasks to very large vocabulary tasks and from recognition only to speech understanding. Here, we concentrate on phoneme-based continuous-speech recognition for large vocabulary recognition as used for dictation, which covers a significant part of our research work on speech recognition. We describe this task and report on experimental results. In order to allow a comparison with the performance of other systems, a section with an evaluation on the standard North American Business news (NAB2) task (dictation of American English newspaper text) is supplied."}],"title":"The Philips Research system for continuous-speech dictation","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"author":[{"first_name":"Volker","last_name":"Steinbiss","full_name":"Steinbiss, Volker"},{"last_name":"Ney","full_name":"Ney, Hermann J.","first_name":"Hermann J."},{"first_name":"Xavier L.","last_name":"Aubert","full_name":"Aubert, Xavier L."},{"last_name":"Besling","full_name":"Besling, Stefan","first_name":"Stefan"},{"last_name":"Dugast","full_name":"Dugast, Christian","first_name":"Christian"},{"last_name":"Essen","full_name":"Essen, Ute","first_name":"Ute"},{"last_name":"Geller","full_name":"Geller, Dieter","first_name":"Dieter"},{"first_name":"Reinhold","id":"242","last_name":"Haeb-Umbach","full_name":"Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold"},{"full_name":"Kneser, Reinhard","last_name":"Kneser","first_name":"Reinhard"},{"last_name":"Meier","full_name":"Meier, Hans Günter","first_name":"Hans Günter"},{"first_name":"Martin","full_name":"Oerder, Martin","last_name":"Oerder"},{"full_name":"Tran, Bach Hiep","last_name":"Tran","first_name":"Bach Hiep"}],"_id":"11905","year":"1995","status":"public","user_id":"44006","date_created":"2019-07-12T05:30:31Z","department":[{"_id":"54"}],"citation":{"apa":"Steinbiss, V., Ney, H. J., Aubert, X. L., Besling, S., Dugast, C., Essen, U., … Tran, B. H. (1995). The Philips Research system for continuous-speech dictation. Philips Journal of Research.","chicago":"Steinbiss, Volker, Hermann J. Ney, Xavier L. Aubert, Stefan Besling, Christian Dugast, Ute Essen, Dieter Geller, et al. “The Philips Research System for Continuous-Speech Dictation.” Philips Journal of Research, 1995.","mla":"Steinbiss, Volker, et al. “The Philips Research System for Continuous-Speech Dictation.” Philips Journal of Research, 1995.","ieee":"V. Steinbiss et al., “The Philips Research system for continuous-speech dictation,” Philips Journal of Research, 1995.","ama":"Steinbiss V, Ney HJ, Aubert XL, et al. The Philips Research system for continuous-speech dictation. Philips Journal of Research. 1995.","bibtex":"@article{Steinbiss_Ney_Aubert_Besling_Dugast_Essen_Geller_Haeb-Umbach_Kneser_Meier_et al._1995, title={The Philips Research system for continuous-speech dictation}, journal={Philips Journal of Research}, author={Steinbiss, Volker and Ney, Hermann J. and Aubert, Xavier L. and Besling, Stefan and Dugast, Christian and Essen, Ute and Geller, Dieter and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold and Kneser, Reinhard and Meier, Hans Günter and et al.}, year={1995} }","short":"V. Steinbiss, H.J. Ney, X.L. Aubert, S. Besling, C. Dugast, U. Essen, D. Geller, R. Haeb-Umbach, R. Kneser, H.G. Meier, M. Oerder, B.H. Tran, Philips Journal of Research (1995)."},"date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:51:12Z"}