{"_id":"13037","publication":"43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Material with the Workshop on Electronic Testing (MIDEM'07), (Invited Paper)","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"year":"2007","author":[{"id":"209","first_name":"Sybille","last_name":"Hellebrand","full_name":"Hellebrand, Sybille","orcid":"0000-0002-3717-3939"},{"full_name":"G. Zoellin, Christian","last_name":"G. Zoellin","first_name":"Christian"},{"first_name":"Hans-Joachim","full_name":"Wunderlich, Hans-Joachim","last_name":"Wunderlich"},{"full_name":"Ludwig, Stefan","last_name":"Ludwig","first_name":"Stefan"},{"full_name":"Coym, Torsten","last_name":"Coym","first_name":"Torsten"},{"full_name":"Straube, Bernd","last_name":"Straube","first_name":"Bernd"}],"title":"Testing and Monitoring Nanoscale Systems - Challenges and Strategies for Advanced Quality Assurance","place":"Bled, Slovenia","department":[{"_id":"48"}],"user_id":"209","type":"conference","status":"public","date_created":"2019-08-28T10:40:00Z","date_updated":"2022-05-11T16:35:35Z","citation":{"apa":"Hellebrand, S., G. Zoellin, C., Wunderlich, H.-J., Ludwig, S., Coym, T., & Straube, B. (2007). Testing and Monitoring Nanoscale Systems - Challenges and Strategies for Advanced Quality Assurance. 43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Material with the Workshop on Electronic Testing (MIDEM’07), (Invited Paper).","mla":"Hellebrand, Sybille, et al. “Testing and Monitoring Nanoscale Systems - Challenges and Strategies for Advanced Quality Assurance.” 43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Material with the Workshop on Electronic Testing (MIDEM’07), (Invited Paper), 2007.","ieee":"S. Hellebrand, C. G. Zoellin, H.-J. Wunderlich, S. Ludwig, T. Coym, and B. Straube, “Testing and Monitoring Nanoscale Systems - Challenges and Strategies for Advanced Quality Assurance,” 2007.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Hellebrand_G. Zoellin_Wunderlich_Ludwig_Coym_Straube_2007, place={Bled, Slovenia}, title={Testing and Monitoring Nanoscale Systems - Challenges and Strategies for Advanced Quality Assurance}, booktitle={43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Material with the Workshop on Electronic Testing (MIDEM’07), (Invited Paper)}, author={Hellebrand, Sybille and G. Zoellin, Christian and Wunderlich, Hans-Joachim and Ludwig, Stefan and Coym, Torsten and Straube, Bernd}, year={2007} }","chicago":"Hellebrand, Sybille, Christian G. Zoellin, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Stefan Ludwig, Torsten Coym, and Bernd Straube. “Testing and Monitoring Nanoscale Systems - Challenges and Strategies for Advanced Quality Assurance.” In 43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Material with the Workshop on Electronic Testing (MIDEM’07), (Invited Paper). Bled, Slovenia, 2007.","short":"S. Hellebrand, C. G. Zoellin, H.-J. Wunderlich, S. Ludwig, T. Coym, B. Straube, in: 43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Material with the Workshop on Electronic Testing (MIDEM’07), (Invited Paper), Bled, Slovenia, 2007.","ama":"Hellebrand S, G. Zoellin C, Wunderlich H-J, Ludwig S, Coym T, Straube B. Testing and Monitoring Nanoscale Systems - Challenges and Strategies for Advanced Quality Assurance. In: 43rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Material with the Workshop on Electronic Testing (MIDEM’07), (Invited Paper). ; 2007."}}