{"status":"public","department":[{"_id":"49"}],"date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:51:48Z","author":[{"full_name":"Bause, Fabian","last_name":"Bause","first_name":"Fabian"},{"full_name":"Budde, Christopher","last_name":"Budde","first_name":"Christopher"},{"full_name":"Rautenberg, Jens","first_name":"Jens","last_name":"Rautenberg"},{"full_name":"Henning, Bernd","id":"213","last_name":"Henning","first_name":"Bernd"},{"full_name":"Moritzer, Elmar","first_name":"Elmar","last_name":"Moritzer"}],"date_created":"2019-10-21T13:59:46Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Utilizing ultrasound material parameter determination for the characterization of different stages of ageing in Polyamide 6","abstract":[{"text":"The condensation polymer Polyamide 6 (PA 6) is a thermoplastic resin with high tensile strength and rigidity at comparatively low costs for raw material and processing. This is why PA 6 is a common material for the production of ropes, gears or bearings. Apart from that, a relative new application is the thermoforming of glass fibre laminate sheets with PA 6 as matrix material. The prediction the rest of life period of such high-tech materials is still a research objective. A first step, and also part of this contribution, is the nondestructive investigation of the matrix material. The ageing of PA 6 is mainly affected by thermo- and photo-oxidation as well as post-condensation, which e.g. results in a change of physical properties. For this contribution the acoustical and mechanical material parameters of artificially aged PA 6 have been determined with high frequency ultrasound (1 MHz) and quasi-static experiments. We will give a short description of both experimental setups as well as the ageing procedure. Finally we will discuss the correlation between the experimental results, finding that there is a good correlation between sound velocity and tensile strength.","lang":"eng"}],"_id":"13949","type":"conference","page":"504-509","user_id":"15911","conference":{"name":"IEEE-UFFC Joint Symposia, Prague","end_date":"25.07.2013","location":"Czech Republic","start_date":"21.07.2013"},"citation":{"mla":"Bause, Fabian, et al. Utilizing Ultrasound Material Parameter Determination for the Characterization of Different Stages of Ageing in Polyamide 6. 2013, pp. 504–09.","ieee":"F. Bause, C. Budde, J. Rautenberg, B. Henning, and E. Moritzer, “Utilizing ultrasound material parameter determination for the characterization of different stages of ageing in Polyamide 6,” presented at the IEEE-UFFC Joint Symposia, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013, pp. 504–509.","short":"F. Bause, C. Budde, J. Rautenberg, B. Henning, E. Moritzer, in: 2013, pp. 504–509.","ama":"Bause F, Budde C, Rautenberg J, Henning B, Moritzer E. Utilizing ultrasound material parameter determination for the characterization of different stages of ageing in Polyamide 6. In: ; 2013:504-509.","apa":"Bause, F., Budde, C., Rautenberg, J., Henning, B., & Moritzer, E. (2013). Utilizing ultrasound material parameter determination for the characterization of different stages of ageing in Polyamide 6 (pp. 504–509). Presented at the IEEE-UFFC Joint Symposia, Prague, Czech Republic.","chicago":"Bause, Fabian, Christopher Budde, Jens Rautenberg, Bernd Henning, and Elmar Moritzer. “Utilizing Ultrasound Material Parameter Determination for the Characterization of Different Stages of Ageing in Polyamide 6,” 504–9, 2013.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Bause_Budde_Rautenberg_Henning_Moritzer_2013, title={Utilizing ultrasound material parameter determination for the characterization of different stages of ageing in Polyamide 6}, author={Bause, Fabian and Budde, Christopher and Rautenberg, Jens and Henning, Bernd and Moritzer, Elmar}, year={2013}, pages={504–509} }"},"year":"2013"}