{"date_created":"2019-12-18T14:49:56Z","type":"conference","page":"243-246","year":"2003","editor":[{"first_name":"Didier","full_name":"Cassereau, Didier","last_name":"Cassereau"}],"status":"public","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:52:22Z","department":[{"_id":"49"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"_id":"15381","conference":{"start_date":"07.09.2003","name":"5th World Congress on Ultrasonics","location":"Paris, France","end_date":"10.09.20003"},"user_id":"15911","title":"Approach of continuous characterisation of liquid multi-component mixtures","abstract":[{"text":"Currently there are ultrasonic sensors to measure flow, liquid level, concentrations or to monitor the process course. In several processes the investigated media is a mixture of liquid and solid ingredients. The use of ultrasonic sensor systems will become very complicated if gas bubbles appear at the measurement place caused by chemical reactions, high temperature or fast flow this means under typical process conditions. The appearance of gas bubbles falsifies the measured absorption and also the velocity. The sound propagation in liquid mixtures is influenced in a complex manner for instance by solid particles, rapid changes of temperature, and liquid droplets of other density in the measured liquid simultaneously. For the detailed investigation of the influence of bubbles on sound propagation, an experimental setup was build. This setup permits the comprehensive processing of transmitted and scattered signals. Using a smart signal processing it is possible to find a reliable indication for gas bubbles.","lang":"eng"}],"author":[{"last_name":"Gulsch","full_name":"Gulsch, Michael","first_name":"Michael"},{"last_name":"Henning","id":"213","first_name":"Bernd","full_name":"Henning, Bernd"},{"last_name":"Prange","full_name":"Prange, Stefan","first_name":"Stefan"},{"last_name":"Auge","first_name":"Jörg","full_name":"Auge, Jörg"}],"citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Gulsch_Henning_Prange_Auge_2003, title={Approach of continuous characterisation of liquid multi-component mixtures}, author={Gulsch, Michael and Henning, Bernd and Prange, Stefan and Auge, Jörg}, editor={Cassereau, DidierEditor}, year={2003}, pages={243–246} }","apa":"Gulsch, M., Henning, B., Prange, S., & Auge, J. (2003). Approach of continuous characterisation of liquid multi-component mixtures. In D. Cassereau (Ed.) (pp. 243–246). Presented at the 5th World Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris, France.","short":"M. Gulsch, B. Henning, S. Prange, J. Auge, in: D. Cassereau (Ed.), 2003, pp. 243–246.","ama":"Gulsch M, Henning B, Prange S, Auge J. Approach of continuous characterisation of liquid multi-component mixtures. In: Cassereau D, ed. ; 2003:243-246.","chicago":"Gulsch, Michael, Bernd Henning, Stefan Prange, and Jörg Auge. “Approach of Continuous Characterisation of Liquid Multi-Component Mixtures.” edited by Didier Cassereau, 243–46, 2003.","mla":"Gulsch, Michael, et al. Approach of Continuous Characterisation of Liquid Multi-Component Mixtures. Edited by Didier Cassereau, 2003, pp. 243–46.","ieee":"M. Gulsch, B. Henning, S. Prange, and J. Auge, “Approach of continuous characterisation of liquid multi-component mixtures,” presented at the 5th World Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris, France, 2003, pp. 243–246."}}