{"publication_status":"published","author":[{"first_name":"Marcin","last_name":"Bienkowski","full_name":"Bienkowski, Marcin"},{"full_name":"Korzeniowski, Miroslaw","last_name":"Korzeniowski","first_name":"Miroslaw"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"conference","department":[{"_id":"63"}],"user_id":"15415","year":"2005","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0302-9743","1611-3349"],"isbn":["9783540287001","9783540319252"]},"title":"Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion","place":"Berlin, Heidelberg","doi":"10.1007/11549468_105","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:53:54Z","status":"public","date_created":"2020-09-03T07:56:58Z","abstract":[{"text":"We consider Dynamic Page Migration (DPM) problem, one of the fundamental subproblems of data management in dynamically changing networks. We investigate a hybrid scenario, where access patterns to the shared object are dictated by an adversary, and each processor performs a random walk in X. We extend the previous results of [4]: we develop algorithms for the case where X is a ring, and prove that with high probability they achieve a competitive ratio of O~(min{D−−√4,n}), where D is the size of the shared object and n is the number of nodes in the network. These results hold also for any d-dimensional torus or mesh with diameter at least Ω~(D−−√).","lang":"eng"}],"_id":"18912","citation":{"ieee":"M. Bienkowski and M. Korzeniowski, “Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion,” in Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par), 2005.","chicago":"Bienkowski, Marcin, and Miroslaw Korzeniowski. “Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion.” In Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par). Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005. https://doi.org/10.1007/11549468_105.","apa":"Bienkowski, M., & Korzeniowski, M. (2005). Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion. In Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par). Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/11549468_105","short":"M. Bienkowski, M. Korzeniowski, in: Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par), Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Bienkowski_Korzeniowski_2005, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, title={Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion}, DOI={10.1007/11549468_105}, booktitle={Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par)}, author={Bienkowski, Marcin and Korzeniowski, Miroslaw}, year={2005} }","ama":"Bienkowski M, Korzeniowski M. Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion. In: Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par). Berlin, Heidelberg; 2005. doi:10.1007/11549468_105","mla":"Bienkowski, Marcin, and Miroslaw Korzeniowski. “Dynamic Page Migration Under Brownian Motion.” Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par), 2005, doi:10.1007/11549468_105."},"publication":"Proc. of the European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par)"}