{"abstract":[{"text":"September 2014","lang":"eng"}],"title":"Quality of peer-interaction in mixed-age learning settings – in the transition process from kin-dergarten to primary school. Poster presentation at the 24th EECERA conference - European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Crete, Greece","_id":"19859","type":"conference","user_id":"21240","year":"2014","citation":{"chicago":"Büker, Petra, and Agnes Kordulla. “Quality of Peer-Interaction in Mixed-Age Learning Settings – in the Transition Process from Kin-Dergarten to Primary School. Poster Presentation at the 24th EECERA Conference - European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Crete, Greece,” 2014.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Büker_Kordulla_2014, title={Quality of peer-interaction in mixed-age learning settings – in the transition process from kin-dergarten to primary school. Poster presentation at the 24th EECERA conference - European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Crete, Greece}, author={Büker, Petra and Kordulla, Agnes}, year={2014} }","short":"P. Büker, A. Kordulla, in: 2014.","mla":"Büker, Petra, and Agnes Kordulla. Quality of Peer-Interaction in Mixed-Age Learning Settings – in the Transition Process from Kin-Dergarten to Primary School. Poster Presentation at the 24th EECERA Conference - European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Crete, Greece. 2014.","ieee":"P. Büker and A. Kordulla, “Quality of peer-interaction in mixed-age learning settings – in the transition process from kin-dergarten to primary school. Poster presentation at the 24th EECERA conference - European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Crete, Greece,” 2014.","apa":"Büker, P., & Kordulla, A. (2014). Quality of peer-interaction in mixed-age learning settings – in the transition process from kin-dergarten to primary school. Poster presentation at the 24th EECERA conference - European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Crete, Greece.","ama":"Büker P, Kordulla A. Quality of peer-interaction in mixed-age learning settings – in the transition process from kin-dergarten to primary school. Poster presentation at the 24th EECERA conference - European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Crete, Greece. In: ; 2014."},"status":"public","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:54:13Z","author":[{"id":"21978","full_name":"Büker, Petra","last_name":"Büker","first_name":"Petra"},{"last_name":"Kordulla","first_name":"Agnes","full_name":"Kordulla, Agnes"}],"department":[{"_id":"458"}],"date_created":"2020-10-02T12:41:32Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}]}