{"doi":"10.1109/HCW.2000.843756","publication_status":"published","publication":"Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS","status":"public","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:54:18Z","author":[{"last_name":"Baraglia","first_name":"Ranieri","full_name":"Baraglia, Ranieri"},{"last_name":"Keller","first_name":"Axel","id":"15274","full_name":"Keller, Axel"},{"first_name":"Domenico","last_name":"Laforenza","full_name":"Laforenza, Domenico"},{"last_name":"Reinefeld","first_name":"Alexander","full_name":"Reinefeld, Alexander"}],"department":[{"_id":"27"}],"date_created":"2018-03-29T11:40:13Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"place":"Cancun, Mexico","title":"RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components","abstract":[{"text":"RsdEditor is a graphical user interface which produces specifications of computational resources. It is used in the RSD (Resource and Service Description) environment for specifying, registering, requesting and accessing resources and services in a metacomputer. RsdEditor was designed to be used by the administrators and users of metacomputing environments. At the administrator level, the GUI is used to describe the available computing and networking components of a metacomputer. At the user level, RsdEditor can be used to specify which characteristics of the computational resources are needed to execute a meta-application. This paper is organized as follows: it first introduces RsdEditor. It then briefly describes the RSD environment, and finally, it highlights various features and implementation issues of RsdEditor.","lang":"eng"}],"_id":"2003","type":"conference","page":"336-348","user_id":"15274","year":"2000","citation":{"ieee":"R. Baraglia, A. Keller, D. Laforenza, and A. Reinefeld, “RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components,” in Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS, 2000, pp. 336–348.","mla":"Baraglia, Ranieri, et al. “RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components.” Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS, 2000, pp. 336–48, doi:10.1109/HCW.2000.843756.","short":"R. Baraglia, A. Keller, D. Laforenza, A. Reinefeld, in: Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS, Cancun, Mexico, 2000, pp. 336–348.","ama":"Baraglia R, Keller A, Laforenza D, Reinefeld A. RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components. In: Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS. Cancun, Mexico; 2000:336-348. doi:10.1109/HCW.2000.843756","apa":"Baraglia, R., Keller, A., Laforenza, D., & Reinefeld, A. (2000). RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components. In Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS (pp. 336–348). Cancun, Mexico. https://doi.org/10.1109/HCW.2000.843756","chicago":"Baraglia, Ranieri, Axel Keller, Domenico Laforenza, and Alexander Reinefeld. “RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components.” In Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS, 336–48. Cancun, Mexico, 2000. https://doi.org/10.1109/HCW.2000.843756.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Baraglia_Keller_Laforenza_Reinefeld_2000, place={Cancun, Mexico}, title={RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components}, DOI={10.1109/HCW.2000.843756}, booktitle={Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS}, author={Baraglia, Ranieri and Keller, Axel and Laforenza, Domenico and Reinefeld, Alexander}, year={2000}, pages={336–348} }"}}