{"year":"2008","date_created":"2021-01-13T10:56:37Z","page":"44-47","title":"Component Story Diagrams in Fujaba4Eclipse","department":[{"_id":"76"}],"publication":"Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany","status":"public","_id":"20964","abstract":[{"text":"A current trend in Software Engineering is the development of self-adaptive component-based software architectures. Our modeling approach for component-based software systems Mechatronic UML, integrated in the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite plugin for Fujaba4Eclipse, supports self-adaptiveness only to a certain degree. This paper presents tool support for an extension of Mechatronic UML, which facilitates initialization and recon\fguration of a Mechatronic UML system based on Story Diagrams and thus enables a step towards self-adaptiveness on a structural level.","lang":"eng"}],"author":[{"full_name":"Holtmann, Jörg","first_name":"Jörg","id":"3875","last_name":"Holtmann","orcid":"0000-0001-6141-4571"},{"full_name":"Tichy, Matthias","last_name":"Tichy","first_name":"Matthias"}],"citation":{"ama":"Holtmann J, Tichy M. Component Story Diagrams in Fujaba4Eclipse. In: Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany. ; 2008:44-47.","apa":"Holtmann, J., & Tichy, M. (2008). Component Story Diagrams in Fujaba4Eclipse. Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany, 44–47.","mla":"Holtmann, Jörg, and Matthias Tichy. “Component Story Diagrams in Fujaba4Eclipse.” Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany, 2008, pp. 44–47.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Holtmann_Tichy_2008, title={Component Story Diagrams in Fujaba4Eclipse}, booktitle={Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany}, author={Holtmann, Jörg and Tichy, Matthias}, year={2008}, pages={44–47} }","chicago":"Holtmann, Jörg, and Matthias Tichy. “Component Story Diagrams in Fujaba4Eclipse.” In Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany, 44–47, 2008.","ieee":"J. Holtmann and M. Tichy, “Component Story Diagrams in Fujaba4Eclipse,” in Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany, 2008, pp. 44–47.","short":"J. Holtmann, M. Tichy, in: Proc. of the 6th International Fujaba Days 2008, Dresden, Germany, 2008, pp. 44–47."},"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:54:42Z","user_id":"5786","type":"conference"}