{"title":"Mechanical and Physical Properties - A Way to asses quality of Laser Sintered Parts","author":[{"last_name":"Rüsenberg","first_name":"Stefan","full_name":"Rüsenberg, Stefan"},{"last_name":"Schmidt","first_name":"L.","full_name":"Schmidt, L."},{"full_name":"Schmid, Hans-Joachim","first_name":"Hans-Joachim","id":"464","last_name":"Schmid"}],"abstract":[{"text":"The aim of this paper is the description and evaluation of physical properties like porosity and density and their influence on mechanical properties of laser sintered polyamide parts. For example, by reducing the porosity an increase of mechanical properties is possible. The correlation of laser parameters to these properties is investigated in detail. The energy density is an important parameter for the laser sintering process. By changing laser power, scan velocity and hatch distance an influence on manufactured components is given. A systematic variation of all three laser parameters is performed. A comparison of results obtained at constant energy densities obtained by varying these relevant parameters accordingly is shown as well.","lang":"eng"}],"citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Rüsenberg_Schmidt_Schmid_2011, title={Mechanical and Physical Properties - A Way to asses quality of Laser Sintered Parts}, volume={22}, DOI={http://utw10945.utweb.utexas.edu/Manuscripts/2011/2011-19-Ruesenberg.pdf}, booktitle={22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium}, author={Rüsenberg, Stefan and Schmidt, L. and Schmid, Hans-Joachim}, year={2011}, pages={239–251} }","short":"S. Rüsenberg, L. Schmidt, H.-J. Schmid, in: 22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, 2011, pp. 239–251.","apa":"Rüsenberg, S., Schmidt, L., & Schmid, H.-J. (2011). Mechanical and Physical Properties - A Way to asses quality of Laser Sintered Parts. In 22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (Vol. 22, pp. 239–251). http://utw10945.utweb.utexas.edu/Manuscripts/2011/2011-19-Ruesenberg.pdf","ama":"Rüsenberg S, Schmidt L, Schmid H-J. Mechanical and Physical Properties - A Way to asses quality of Laser Sintered Parts. In: 22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Vol 22. ; 2011:239-251. doi:http://utw10945.utweb.utexas.edu/Manuscripts/2011/2011-19-Ruesenberg.pdf","mla":"Rüsenberg, Stefan, et al. “Mechanical and Physical Properties - A Way to Asses Quality of Laser Sintered Parts.” 22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, vol. 22, 2011, pp. 239–51, doi:http://utw10945.utweb.utexas.edu/Manuscripts/2011/2011-19-Ruesenberg.pdf.","ieee":"S. Rüsenberg, L. Schmidt, and H.-J. Schmid, “Mechanical and Physical Properties - A Way to asses quality of Laser Sintered Parts,” in 22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, 2011, vol. 22, pp. 239–251.","chicago":"Rüsenberg, Stefan, L. Schmidt, and Hans-Joachim Schmid. “Mechanical and Physical Properties - A Way to Asses Quality of Laser Sintered Parts.” In 22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, 22:239–51, 2011. http://utw10945.utweb.utexas.edu/Manuscripts/2011/2011-19-Ruesenberg.pdf."},"volume":22,"user_id":"71545","_id":"22188","department":[{"_id":"150"},{"_id":"624"},{"_id":"219"}],"doi":"http://utw10945.utweb.utexas.edu/Manuscripts/2011/2011-19-Ruesenberg.pdf","intvolume":" 22","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:55:28Z","year":"2011","status":"public","page":"239-251","date_created":"2021-05-14T07:46:19Z","type":"conference","publication":"22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium"}