{"publication":"Building bridges across disciplines for transformative eduction and a sustainable future","type":"book_chapter","editor":[{"first_name":"Ingo","last_name":"Eilks","full_name":"Eilks, Ingo"},{"last_name":"Markic","full_name":"Markic, Silvia","first_name":"Silvia"},{"last_name":"Ralle","full_name":"Ralle, Bernd","first_name":"Bernd"}],"place":"Aachen","_id":"23774","year":"2018","title":"Generation of students' questions through real-life contexts and their potential use for sustainability issues in chemistry education","author":[{"first_name":"Lisa","full_name":"Schmitz, Lisa","last_name":"Schmitz"},{"first_name":"Sabine","id":"54823","orcid":"0000-0001-5645-5870","last_name":"Fechner","full_name":"Fechner, Sabine"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"54823","page":"321-326","publication_status":"published","status":"public","date_updated":"2023-01-06T18:19:14Z","citation":{"mla":"Schmitz, Lisa, and Sabine Fechner. “Generation of Students’ Questions through Real-Life Contexts and Their Potential Use for Sustainability Issues in Chemistry Education.” Building Bridges across Disciplines for Transformative Eduction and a Sustainable Future, edited by Ingo Eilks et al., Shaker Verlag, 2018, pp. 321–26.","short":"L. Schmitz, S. Fechner, in: I. Eilks, S. Markic, B. Ralle (Eds.), Building Bridges across Disciplines for Transformative Eduction and a Sustainable Future, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2018, pp. 321–326.","ieee":"L. Schmitz and S. Fechner, “Generation of students’ questions through real-life contexts and their potential use for sustainability issues in chemistry education,” in Building bridges across disciplines for transformative eduction and a sustainable future, I. Eilks, S. Markic, and B. Ralle, Eds. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2018, pp. 321–326.","apa":"Schmitz, L., & Fechner, S. (2018). Generation of students’ questions through real-life contexts and their potential use for sustainability issues in chemistry education. In I. Eilks, S. Markic, & B. Ralle (Eds.), Building bridges across disciplines for transformative eduction and a sustainable future (pp. 321–326). Shaker Verlag.","bibtex":"@inbook{Schmitz_Fechner_2018, place={Aachen}, title={Generation of students’ questions through real-life contexts and their potential use for sustainability issues in chemistry education}, booktitle={Building bridges across disciplines for transformative eduction and a sustainable future}, publisher={Shaker Verlag}, author={Schmitz, Lisa and Fechner, Sabine}, editor={Eilks, Ingo and Markic, Silvia and Ralle, Bernd}, year={2018}, pages={321–326} }","chicago":"Schmitz, Lisa, and Sabine Fechner. “Generation of Students’ Questions through Real-Life Contexts and Their Potential Use for Sustainability Issues in Chemistry Education.” In Building Bridges across Disciplines for Transformative Eduction and a Sustainable Future, edited by Ingo Eilks, Silvia Markic, and Bernd Ralle, 321–26. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2018.","ama":"Schmitz L, Fechner S. Generation of students’ questions through real-life contexts and their potential use for sustainability issues in chemistry education. In: Eilks I, Markic S, Ralle B, eds. Building Bridges across Disciplines for Transformative Eduction and a Sustainable Future. Shaker Verlag; 2018:321-326."},"department":[{"_id":"386"}],"date_created":"2021-09-04T21:04:54Z","publisher":"Shaker Verlag"}