{"publication":"GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference","status":"public","author":[{"full_name":"Ballandras, Sylvain","last_name":"Ballandras","first_name":"Sylvain"},{"id":"37628","full_name":"Abughannam, Saed","first_name":"Saed","last_name":"Abughannam"},{"first_name":"Emilie","last_name":"Courjon","full_name":"Courjon, Emilie"},{"full_name":"Scheytt, Christoph","id":"37144","last_name":"Scheytt","first_name":"Christoph"}],"date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:56:06Z","department":[{"_id":"58"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_created":"2021-09-09T11:50:23Z","_id":"24030","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Low-power receivers use direct-detection receiver architecture for its design simplicity and its low power dissipation. However, the direct-detection based receivers suffer from co-channel interference which significantly degrades the communication reliability. Co-channel interference robustness can be improved by using a BPSK Barker code modulated Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) correlator as a prior stage to the RF direct detection circuit. This paper reports in details the design, fabrication and measurements of a 2.45 GHz SAW correlator with 13 bits length Barker code. The device is fabricated on Lithium Niobate LiNbO3 substrate and it is composed of an input non-coded Inter Digital Transducers (IDT), a Piezoelectric substrate and an output coded IDT. The device wavelength λ is set to 1.6 μm, considering a phase velocity of the wave equal to 3970 m.s-1. Several configurations of the device were designed and fabricated, particularly varying the aperture and the non-coded IDT length to find out the optimal device configuration. All devices were found to operate with Insertion Loss (IL) ranging from 12 to 15 dB at 2.45 GHz with a tip probing measurement setup, while a packaged sample has an IL of 12.45 dB at 2.44 GHz mounted on a PCB with external 50 Ω LC matching network. Additionally, time-domain measurement for the packaged device shows that the output has a correlation peak with a peak-to-side-lobe (PSL) ratio of 4:1 for a -0.5 dBm input BPSK Barker code signal."}],"title":"Design and Fabrication of Barker Coded Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Correlator at 2.45 GHz for Low-Power Wake-up Receivers","type":"conference","related_material":{"link":[{"url":"https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9080181","relation":"confirmation"}]},"user_id":"15931","year":"2020","citation":{"ama":"Ballandras S, Abughannam S, Courjon E, Scheytt C. Design and Fabrication of Barker Coded Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Correlator at 2.45 GHz for Low-Power Wake-up Receivers. In: GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference. ; 2020.","apa":"Ballandras, S., Abughannam, S., Courjon, E., & Scheytt, C. (2020). Design and Fabrication of Barker Coded Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Correlator at 2.45 GHz for Low-Power Wake-up Receivers. GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference.","mla":"Ballandras, Sylvain, et al. “Design and Fabrication of Barker Coded Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Correlator at 2.45 GHz for Low-Power Wake-up Receivers.” GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference, 2020.","ieee":"S. Ballandras, S. Abughannam, E. Courjon, and C. Scheytt, “Design and Fabrication of Barker Coded Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Correlator at 2.45 GHz for Low-Power Wake-up Receivers,” 2020.","short":"S. Ballandras, S. Abughannam, E. Courjon, C. Scheytt, in: GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference, 2020.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Ballandras_Abughannam_Courjon_Scheytt_2020, title={Design and Fabrication of Barker Coded Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Correlator at 2.45 GHz for Low-Power Wake-up Receivers}, booktitle={GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference}, author={Ballandras, Sylvain and Abughannam, Saed and Courjon, Emilie and Scheytt, Christoph}, year={2020} }","chicago":"Ballandras, Sylvain, Saed Abughannam, Emilie Courjon, and Christoph Scheytt. “Design and Fabrication of Barker Coded Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Correlator at 2.45 GHz for Low-Power Wake-up Receivers.” In GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference, 2020."}}