{"year":"2017","status":"public","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:56:19Z","publication_status":"published","date_created":"2021-09-14T12:41:58Z","publication":"International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017)","type":"conference","place":"Cham","user_id":"15415","title":"Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-robot Systems","author":[{"last_name":"Khaluf","first_name":"Yara","full_name":"Khaluf, Yara"},{"full_name":"Markarian, Christine","first_name":"Christine","last_name":"Markarian"},{"first_name":"Pieter","full_name":"Simoens, Pieter","last_name":"Simoens"},{"full_name":"Reina, Andreagiovanni","first_name":"Andreagiovanni","last_name":"Reina"}],"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Through this study, we introduce the idea of applying scheduling techniques to allocate spatial resources that are shared among multiple robots moving in a static environment and having temporal constraints on the arrival time to destinations. To illustrate this idea, we present an exemplified algorithm that plans and assigns a motion path to each robot. The considered problem is particularly challenging because: (i) the robots share the same environment and thus the planner must take into account overlapping paths which cannot happen at the same time; (ii) there are time deadlines thus the planner must deal with temporal constraints; (iii) new requests arrive without a priori knowledge thus the planner must be able to add new paths online and adjust old plans; (iv) the robot motion is subject to noise thus the planner must be reactive to adapt to online changes. We showcase the functioning of the proposed algorithm through a set of agent-based simulations."}],"citation":{"apa":"Khaluf, Y., Markarian, C., Simoens, P., & Reina, A. (2017). Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-robot Systems. International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_12","short":"Y. Khaluf, C. Markarian, P. Simoens, A. Reina, in: International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017), Cham, 2017.","ama":"Khaluf Y, Markarian C, Simoens P, Reina A. Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-robot Systems. In: International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017). ; 2017. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_12","chicago":"Khaluf, Yara, Christine Markarian, Pieter Simoens, and Andreagiovanni Reina. “Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-Robot Systems.” In International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017). Cham, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_12.","mla":"Khaluf, Yara, et al. “Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-Robot Systems.” International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017), 2017, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_12.","ieee":"Y. Khaluf, C. Markarian, P. Simoens, and A. Reina, “Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-robot Systems,” 2017, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_12.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Khaluf_Markarian_Simoens_Reina_2017, place={Cham}, title={Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-robot Systems}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_12}, booktitle={International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017)}, author={Khaluf, Yara and Markarian, Christine and Simoens, Pieter and Reina, Andreagiovanni}, year={2017} }"},"department":[{"_id":"63"}],"doi":"10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_12","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0302-9743","1611-3349"]},"_id":"24398"}