{"type":"book_chapter","edition":"9","author":[{"id":"42496","first_name":"Michaela","full_name":"Geierhos, Michaela","last_name":"Geierhos","orcid":"0000-0002-8180-5606"}],"title":"Crawler (focused / not focused)","department":[{"_id":"671"}],"date_created":"2021-10-03T22:51:21Z","publication":"Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the business informatics ","user_id":"71124","_id":"25263","editor":[{"last_name":"Gronau","full_name":"Gronau, Norbert ","first_name":" Norbert "},{"last_name":"Becker","full_name":"Becker, J {\\ \"o} rg","first_name":"J {\\ \"o} rg"},{"first_name":"Elmar","full_name":"Sinz, Elmar","last_name":"Sinz"},{"full_name":"Suhl, L","last_name":"Suhl","first_name":" L"},{"full_name":"Leimeister, Jan Marco","last_name":"Leimeister","first_name":"Jan Marco"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"status":"public","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:56:57Z","publisher":"GITO-Verlag","year":"2016","citation":{"ama":"Geierhos M. Crawler (focused / not focused). In: Gronau Norbert , Becker J{\\ \"o} rg, Sinz E, Suhl L, Leimeister JM, eds. Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the Business Informatics . 9th ed. GITO-Verlag; 2016.","apa":"Geierhos, M. (2016). Crawler (focused / not focused). In Norbert Gronau, J. {\\ \"o} rg Becker, E. Sinz, L Suhl, & J. M. Leimeister (Eds.), Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the business informatics (9th ed.). GITO-Verlag.","ieee":"M. Geierhos, “Crawler (focused / not focused),” in Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the business informatics , 9th ed., Norbert Gronau, J. {\\ \"o} rg Becker, E. Sinz, L Suhl, and J. M. Leimeister, Eds. GITO-Verlag, 2016.","bibtex":"@inbook{Geierhos_2016, edition={9}, title={Crawler (focused / not focused)}, booktitle={Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the business informatics }, publisher={GITO-Verlag}, author={Geierhos, Michaela}, editor={Gronau, Norbert and Becker, J {\\ \"o} rg and Sinz, Elmar and Suhl, L and Leimeister, Jan Marco}, year={2016} }","mla":"Geierhos, Michaela. “Crawler (Focused / Not Focused).” Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the Business Informatics , edited by Norbert Gronau et al., 9th ed., GITO-Verlag, 2016.","chicago":"Geierhos, Michaela. “Crawler (Focused / Not Focused).” In Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the Business Informatics , edited by Norbert Gronau, J {\\ \"o} rg Becker, Elmar Sinz, L Suhl, and Jan Marco Leimeister, 9th ed. GITO-Verlag, 2016.","short":"M. Geierhos, in: Norbert Gronau, J.{\\ \"o} rg Becker, E. Sinz, L Suhl, J.M. Leimeister (Eds.), Encyclopedia {\\ \"a} the Business Informatics , 9th ed., GITO-Verlag, 2016."}}