{"title":"Development of cost-effective spare parts logistics for a solar technology provider under monet {\\ \"a} rer Ber {\\\" u} consideration of resulting CO2 emissions","conference":{"end_date":"2012-06-28","start_date":"2012-06-27"},"year":"2012","author":[{"first_name":"Wilhelm","full_name":"Dangelmaier, Wilhelm","last_name":"Dangelmaier"},{"first_name":"Christoph","last_name":" Laroque","full_name":" Laroque, Christoph"},{"first_name":"Robin","full_name":" Delius, Robin","last_name":" Delius"},{"first_name":"Jenny","full_name":"Streichhan, Jenny","last_name":"Streichhan"}],"_id":"25817","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"71124","department":[{"_id":"671"}],"alternative_title":["7th Magdeburg Logistics Days »Safe and Sustainable Logistics« - as part of the IFF Science Days"],"date_created":"2021-10-07T18:57:46Z","publication_status":"published","type":"conference","status":"public","citation":{"short":"W. Dangelmaier, C. Laroque, R. Delius, J. Streichhan, in: 2012.","ama":"Dangelmaier W, Laroque C, Delius R, Streichhan J. Development of cost-effective spare parts logistics for a solar technology provider under monet {\\ “a} rer Ber {\\” u} consideration of resulting CO2 emissions. In: ; 2012.","chicago":"Dangelmaier, Wilhelm, Christoph Laroque, Robin Delius, and Jenny Streichhan. “Development of Cost-Effective Spare Parts Logistics for a Solar Technology Provider under Monet {\\ ‘A} Rer Ber {\\’ U} Consideration of Resulting CO2 Emissions,” 2012.","mla":"Dangelmaier, Wilhelm, et al. Development of Cost-Effective Spare Parts Logistics for a Solar Technology Provider under Monet {\\ “A} Rer Ber {\\” U} Consideration of Resulting CO2 Emissions. 2012.","apa":"Dangelmaier, W., Laroque, C., Delius, R., & Streichhan, J. (2012). Development of cost-effective spare parts logistics for a solar technology provider under monet {\\ “a} rer Ber {\\” u} consideration of resulting CO2 emissions.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Dangelmaier_ Laroque_ Delius_Streichhan_2012, title={Development of cost-effective spare parts logistics for a solar technology provider under monet {\\ “a} rer Ber {\\” u} consideration of resulting CO2 emissions}, author={Dangelmaier, Wilhelm and Laroque, Christoph and Delius, Robin and Streichhan, Jenny}, year={2012} }","ieee":"W. Dangelmaier, C. Laroque, R. Delius, and J. Streichhan, “Development of cost-effective spare parts logistics for a solar technology provider under monet {\\ ‘a} rer Ber {\\’ u} consideration of resulting CO2 emissions,” 2012."},"date_updated":"2022-01-25T18:19:24Z"}