{"quality_controlled":"1","type":"journal_article","publication_status":"published","user_id":"23547","status":"public","date_created":"2021-10-08T10:09:45Z","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"A comparison of infrared spectroscopic analytical approaches was made in order to assess their applicability for internal structure characterization of SiO2 thin films. Markers for porosity and/or disorder based on the analysis of the asymmetric stretching absorption band of SiO2 between 900−1350 cm−1 were discussed. The shape of this band, which shows a well-defined LO–TO splitting, depends not only on the inherent characteristics of the film under analysis but also on the particular geometry of the IR experiment and the specific surface selection rules of the substrate. Three types of SiO2 thin films with clearly defined porosity ranging from dense films to mesoporous films were investigated by transmission (at different incidence angles), direct specular reflection (at different angles), and diffuse reflection. Two different types of substrate, metallic and semiconducting, were used. The combined effect of substrate and specific technique in the final shape of the band, was discussed, and the efficacy for their applicability to the determination of porosity in thin SiO2 films was critically evaluated."}],"date_updated":"2023-03-07T10:44:06Z","publication":"Vibrational Spectroscopy","title":"Review of infrared spectroscopy techniques for the determination of internal structure in thin SiO2 films","department":[{"_id":"35"},{"_id":"2"},{"_id":"307"},{"_id":"302"}],"article_number":"103256","year":"2021","author":[{"first_name":"Teresa","last_name":"de los Arcos","full_name":"de los Arcos, Teresa"},{"first_name":"Hendrik","full_name":"Müller, Hendrik","last_name":"Müller"},{"last_name":"Wang","full_name":"Wang, Fuzeng","first_name":"Fuzeng"},{"first_name":"Varun Raj","full_name":"Damerla, Varun Raj","last_name":"Damerla"},{"first_name":"Christian","full_name":"Hoppe, Christian","last_name":"Hoppe"},{"full_name":"Weinberger, Christian","last_name":"Weinberger","first_name":"Christian","id":"11848"},{"orcid":"0000-0003-1711-2722","first_name":"Michael","full_name":"Tiemann, Michael","last_name":"Tiemann","id":"23547"},{"last_name":"Grundmeier","full_name":"Grundmeier, Guido","first_name":"Guido","id":"194"}],"citation":{"short":"T. de los Arcos, H. Müller, F. Wang, V.R. Damerla, C. Hoppe, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, G. Grundmeier, Vibrational Spectroscopy (2021).","chicago":"Arcos, Teresa de los, Hendrik Müller, Fuzeng Wang, Varun Raj Damerla, Christian Hoppe, Christian Weinberger, Michael Tiemann, and Guido Grundmeier. “Review of Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques for the Determination of Internal Structure in Thin SiO2 Films.” Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103256.","ama":"de los Arcos T, Müller H, Wang F, et al. Review of infrared spectroscopy techniques for the determination of internal structure in thin SiO2 films. Vibrational Spectroscopy. Published online 2021. doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103256","ieee":"T. de los Arcos et al., “Review of infrared spectroscopy techniques for the determination of internal structure in thin SiO2 films,” Vibrational Spectroscopy, Art. no. 103256, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103256.","mla":"de los Arcos, Teresa, et al. “Review of Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques for the Determination of Internal Structure in Thin SiO2 Films.” Vibrational Spectroscopy, 103256, 2021, doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103256.","bibtex":"@article{de los Arcos_Müller_Wang_Damerla_Hoppe_Weinberger_Tiemann_Grundmeier_2021, title={Review of infrared spectroscopy techniques for the determination of internal structure in thin SiO2 films}, DOI={10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103256}, number={103256}, journal={Vibrational Spectroscopy}, author={de los Arcos, Teresa and Müller, Hendrik and Wang, Fuzeng and Damerla, Varun Raj and Hoppe, Christian and Weinberger, Christian and Tiemann, Michael and Grundmeier, Guido}, year={2021} }","apa":"de los Arcos, T., Müller, H., Wang, F., Damerla, V. R., Hoppe, C., Weinberger, C., Tiemann, M., & Grundmeier, G. (2021). Review of infrared spectroscopy techniques for the determination of internal structure in thin SiO2 films. Vibrational Spectroscopy, Article 103256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103256"},"_id":"25897","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0924-2031"]},"article_type":"original","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"doi":"10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103256"}