{"date_created":"2021-10-12T10:06:15Z","status":"public","user_id":"21240","department":[{"_id":"672"}],"title":"MOUSSE: scaling MOdelling and verification to complex heterogeneoUS embedded Systems Evolution","publication":"Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2012)","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:57:16Z","type":"conference","_id":"26079","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"author":[{"last_name":"Becker","full_name":"Becker, Markus","first_name":"Markus"},{"last_name":"Gnokam Defo","full_name":"Gnokam Defo, Gilles Bertrand","first_name":"Gilles Bertrand"},{"first_name":"Wolfgang","last_name":"Müller","full_name":"Müller, Wolfgang","id":"16243"},{"full_name":"Fummi, F.","last_name":"Fummi","first_name":"F."},{"first_name":"G.","last_name":"Pravadelli","full_name":"Pravadelli, G."},{"first_name":"Sara","last_name":"Vinco","full_name":"Vinco, Sara"}],"year":"2012","place":"Dresden","citation":{"ieee":"M. Becker, G. B. Gnokam Defo, W. Müller, F. Fummi, G. Pravadelli, and S. Vinco, “MOUSSE: scaling MOdelling and verification to complex heterogeneoUS embedded Systems Evolution,” 2012.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Becker_Gnokam Defo_Müller_Fummi_Pravadelli_Vinco_2012, place={Dresden}, title={MOUSSE: scaling MOdelling and verification to complex heterogeneoUS embedded Systems Evolution}, booktitle={Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2012)}, author={Becker, Markus and Gnokam Defo, Gilles Bertrand and Müller, Wolfgang and Fummi, F. and Pravadelli, G. and Vinco, Sara}, year={2012} }","apa":"Becker, M., Gnokam Defo, G. B., Müller, W., Fummi, F., Pravadelli, G., & Vinco, S. (2012). MOUSSE: scaling MOdelling and verification to complex heterogeneoUS embedded Systems Evolution. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2012).","mla":"Becker, Markus, et al. “MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution.” Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2012), 2012.","short":"M. Becker, G.B. Gnokam Defo, W. Müller, F. Fummi, G. Pravadelli, S. Vinco, in: Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2012), Dresden, 2012.","ama":"Becker M, Gnokam Defo GB, Müller W, Fummi F, Pravadelli G, Vinco S. MOUSSE: scaling MOdelling and verification to complex heterogeneoUS embedded Systems Evolution. In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2012). ; 2012.","chicago":"Becker, Markus, Gilles Bertrand Gnokam Defo, Wolfgang Müller, F. Fummi, G. Pravadelli, and Sara Vinco. “MOUSSE: Scaling MOdelling and Verification to Complex HeterogeneoUS Embedded Systems Evolution.” In Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2012). Dresden, 2012."}}