{"date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:57:17Z","type":"journal_article","intvolume":" 19","date_created":"2021-10-13T16:26:13Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"doi":"10.1002/ppsc.200290004","user_id":"70093","author":[{"last_name":"Schiel","full_name":"Schiel, Annette","first_name":"Annette"},{"full_name":"Weber, Alfred P.","first_name":"Alfred P.","last_name":"Weber"},{"last_name":"Kasper","first_name":"Gerhard","full_name":"Kasper, Gerhard"},{"last_name":"Schmid","id":"464","full_name":"Schmid, Hans-Joachim","first_name":"Hans-Joachim"}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0934-0866"]},"title":"In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures","status":"public","volume":19,"issue":"6","citation":{"bibtex":"@article{Schiel_Weber_Kasper_Schmid_2002, title={In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures}, volume={19}, DOI={10.1002/ppsc.200290004}, number={6}, journal={Particle & Particle Systems Characterization}, author={Schiel, Annette and Weber, Alfred P. and Kasper, Gerhard and Schmid, Hans-Joachim}, year={2002}, pages={410–418} }","short":"A. Schiel, A.P. Weber, G. Kasper, H.-J. Schmid, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 19 (2002) 410–418.","chicago":"Schiel, Annette, Alfred P. Weber, Gerhard Kasper, and Hans-Joachim Schmid. “In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures.” Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 19, no. 6 (2002): 410–18. https://doi.org/10.1002/ppsc.200290004.","ieee":"A. Schiel, A. P. Weber, G. Kasper, and H.-J. Schmid, “In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures,” Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 410–418, 2002, doi: 10.1002/ppsc.200290004.","mla":"Schiel, Annette, et al. “In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures.” Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, vol. 19, no. 6, 2002, pp. 410–18, doi:10.1002/ppsc.200290004.","ama":"Schiel A, Weber AP, Kasper G, Schmid H-J. In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization. 2002;19(6):410-418. doi:10.1002/ppsc.200290004","apa":"Schiel, A., Weber, A. P., Kasper, G., & Schmid, H.-J. (2002). In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 19(6), 410–418. https://doi.org/10.1002/ppsc.200290004"},"abstract":[{"text":"Thermal charging of submicron and nanometer particles has been studied for model aerosols of TiO2 and SiO2 as well as Al-Si (aluminosilicate) at 1 000 °C with a new quasi in-situ technique. The size dependence of the particle separation efficiency for electrostatic precipitation was determined. The charging state of the particles was obtained from evaluating the global Deutsch number for precipitation in an electric field applied to a laminar flow based on particle trajectory considerations.","lang":"eng"}],"page":"410-418","publication":"Particle & Particle Systems Characterization","publication_status":"published","_id":"26160","year":"2002"}