{"publication_status":"published","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:57:35Z","editor":[{"full_name":"Desel, J {\\ \"o} rg","first_name":"J {\\ \"o} rg","last_name":"Desel"},{"first_name":" J {\\\" o} rg","full_name":"Haake, J {\\\" o} rg","last_name":"Haake"},{"last_name":"Spannagel","first_name":"Christian","full_name":"Spannagel, Christian"}],"year":"2012","status":"public","page":"171-182","date_created":"2021-11-06T00:58:58Z","type":"conference","title":"The technical potential of digital boards","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"This article explains the technical potential of digital boards with which more and more schools are being equipped. A consideration of current usage scenarios of these interactive whiteboards shows that a large part of this potential is still unused and the deficits of the software often have to be circumvented with tricks, especially for use in demanding, student-oriented lessons. Finally, the further development of existing teaching scenarios using this technical potential shows that considering the technical possibilities of digital boards can motivate new didactic scenarios.\r\n"}],"author":[{"id":"497","last_name":"Selke","full_name":"Selke, Harald","first_name":"Harald"},{"full_name":"Winkelnkemper, Felix","first_name":"Felix","id":"3117","last_name":"Winkelnkemper"}],"citation":{"ieee":"H. Selke and F. Winkelnkemper, “The technical potential of digital boards,” 2012, pp. 171–182.","mla":"Selke, Harald, and Felix Winkelnkemper. The Technical Potential of Digital Boards. Edited by J {\\ \"o} rg Desel et al., 2012, pp. 171–82.","chicago":"Selke, Harald, and Felix Winkelnkemper. “The Technical Potential of Digital Boards.” edited by J {\\ \"o} rg Desel, J {\\\" o} rg Haake, and Christian Spannagel, 171–82, 2012.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Selke_Winkelnkemper_2012, title={The technical potential of digital boards}, author={Selke, Harald and Winkelnkemper, Felix}, editor={Desel, J {\\ \"o} rg and Haake, J {\\\" o} rg and Spannagel, Christian}, year={2012}, pages={171–182} }","ama":"Selke H, Winkelnkemper F. The technical potential of digital boards. In: Desel J{\\ \"o} rg, Haake J {\\\" o} rg, Spannagel C, eds. ; 2012:171-182.","apa":"Selke, H., & Winkelnkemper, F. (2012). The technical potential of digital boards (J. {\\ \"o} rg Desel, J {\\\" o} rg Haake, & C. Spannagel, Eds.; pp. 171–182).","short":"H. Selke, F. Winkelnkemper, in: J.{\\ \"o} rg Desel, J {\\\" o} rg Haake, C. Spannagel (Eds.), 2012, pp. 171–182."},"conference":{"name":"DeLFI 2012 - The 10th e-Learning Computer Science Conference of the Society for Computer Science eV","start_date":"2012-09-24","end_date":"2012-09-26"},"user_id":"71124","_id":"27180","department":[{"_id":"71"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}]}