{"_id":"27789","title":"Type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk of coronary heart disease: results of the 10-year follow-up of the PROCAM study","type":"journal_article","page":"230-236","user_id":"61597","publication_identifier":{"issn":["1741-8267"]},"year":"2007","citation":{"ieee":"A. Buyken, A. von Eckardstein, H. Schulte, P. Cullen, and G. Assmann, “Type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk of coronary heart disease: results of the 10-year follow-up of the PROCAM study,” European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, pp. 230–236, 2007, doi: 10.1097/hjr.0b013e3280142037.","mla":"Buyken, Anette, et al. “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: Results of the 10-Year Follow-up of the PROCAM Study.” European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 2007, pp. 230–36, doi:10.1097/hjr.0b013e3280142037.","short":"A. Buyken, A. von Eckardstein, H. Schulte, P. Cullen, G. Assmann, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (2007) 230–236.","ama":"Buyken A, von Eckardstein A, Schulte H, Cullen P, Assmann G. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk of coronary heart disease: results of the 10-year follow-up of the PROCAM study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. Published online 2007:230-236. doi:10.1097/hjr.0b013e3280142037","apa":"Buyken, A., von Eckardstein, A., Schulte, H., Cullen, P., & Assmann, G. (2007). Type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk of coronary heart disease: results of the 10-year follow-up of the PROCAM study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 230–236. https://doi.org/10.1097/hjr.0b013e3280142037","chicago":"Buyken, Anette, Arnold von Eckardstein, Helmut Schulte, Paul Cullen, and Gerd Assmann. “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: Results of the 10-Year Follow-up of the PROCAM Study.” European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 2007, 230–36. https://doi.org/10.1097/hjr.0b013e3280142037.","bibtex":"@article{Buyken_von Eckardstein_Schulte_Cullen_Assmann_2007, title={Type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk of coronary heart disease: results of the 10-year follow-up of the PROCAM study}, DOI={10.1097/hjr.0b013e3280142037}, journal={European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation}, author={Buyken, Anette and von Eckardstein, Arnold and Schulte, Helmut and Cullen, Paul and Assmann, Gerd}, year={2007}, pages={230–236} }"},"publication":"European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation","publication_status":"published","doi":"10.1097/hjr.0b013e3280142037","status":"public","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:57:45Z","author":[{"full_name":"Buyken, Anette","id":"65985","last_name":"Buyken","first_name":"Anette"},{"last_name":"von Eckardstein","first_name":"Arnold","full_name":"von Eckardstein, Arnold"},{"first_name":"Helmut","last_name":"Schulte","full_name":"Schulte, Helmut"},{"full_name":"Cullen, Paul","first_name":"Paul","last_name":"Cullen"},{"first_name":"Gerd","last_name":"Assmann","full_name":"Assmann, Gerd"}],"department":[{"_id":"17"},{"_id":"22"},{"_id":"571"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_created":"2021-11-25T11:57:36Z"}