{"_id":"28457","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-3-942267-92-2"]},"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"department":[{"_id":"676"}],"citation":{"bibtex":"@inbook{Biermann_ Gausemeier_ Hess_Petersen_Wagner_2013, series={Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production}, title={Planning Methods for Manufacturing Functionally Graded Components – Challenges and Solutions}, volume={Fundamentals}, booktitle={Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals}, publisher={Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten}, author={Biermann, Dirk and Gausemeier, J{\\\"u}rgen and Hess, Stefan and Petersen, Marcus and Wagner, T}, editor={Homberg, Werner and Biermann, Dirk and Heim, Hans-Peter}, year={2013}, pages={145–154}, collection={Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production} }","short":"D. Biermann, J{\\\"u}rgen Gausemeier, S. Hess, M. Petersen, T. Wagner, in: Werner Homberg, Dirk Biermann, H.-P. Heim (Eds.), Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2013, pp. 145–154.","apa":"Biermann, D., Gausemeier, J{\\\"u}rgen, Hess, S., Petersen, M., & Wagner, T. (2013). Planning Methods for Manufacturing Functionally Graded Components – Challenges and Solutions. In Werner Homberg, Dirk Biermann, & H.-P. Heim (Eds.), Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals: Vol. Fundamentals (pp. 145–154). Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten.","ama":"Biermann D, Gausemeier J{\\\"u}rgen, Hess S, Petersen M, Wagner T. Planning Methods for Manufacturing Functionally Graded Components – Challenges and Solutions. In: Homberg Werner, Biermann Dirk, Heim H-P, eds. Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals. Vol Fundamentals. Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten; 2013:145-154.","mla":"Biermann, Dirk, et al. “Planning Methods for Manufacturing Functionally Graded Components – Challenges and Solutions.” Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals, edited by Werner Homberg et al., vol. Fundamentals, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2013, pp. 145–54.","ieee":"D. Biermann, J{\\\"u}rgen Gausemeier, S. Hess, M. Petersen, and T. Wagner, “Planning Methods for Manufacturing Functionally Graded Components – Challenges and Solutions,” in Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals, vol. Fundamentals, Werner Homberg, Dirk Biermann, and H.-P. Heim, Eds. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2013, pp. 145–154.","chicago":"Biermann, Dirk, J{\\\"u}rgen Gausemeier, Stefan Hess, Marcus Petersen, and T Wagner. “Planning Methods for Manufacturing Functionally Graded Components – Challenges and Solutions.” In Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals, edited by Werner Homberg, Dirk Biermann, and Hans-Peter Heim, Fundamentals:145–54. Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2013."},"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Functional gradation denotes the systematic and reproducible adaption of the microstructure for the customisation of the macroscopic properties (e.g. hardness or strength) of a single material component. This customisation is tailored with respect to the intended application of the component. The improved material utilisation enables light weight design and improved recycling abilities. Hence, it provides a resource-conserving alternative for modern composite materials. To exploit the potential offered by functional gradation, the available planning and optimisation methods have to be significantly enhanced. Three-dimensional distributions of component properties have to be specified and predicted. Complex interdependencies between the manufacturing process steps and the properties of the component as well as between the process steps themselves have to be considered. In this contribution, new as well as enhancements of existing methods are presented along the planning process: Component description, synthesis of suitable manufacturing process chains, and optimisation of the process chain parameters. The resulting procedure model allows the specification of the desired property distribution, the subsequent identification of process chains capable of producing the component as well as the optimisation of each process parameter.\r\n"}],"author":[{"last_name":"Biermann","first_name":"Dirk","full_name":"Biermann, Dirk"},{"first_name":" J{\\\"u}rgen","full_name":" Gausemeier, J{\\\"u}rgen","last_name":" Gausemeier"},{"last_name":" Hess","first_name":"Stefan ","full_name":" Hess, Stefan "},{"last_name":"Petersen","full_name":"Petersen, Marcus","first_name":"Marcus"},{"first_name":"T","full_name":"Wagner, T","last_name":"Wagner"}],"title":"Planning Methods for Manufacturing Functionally Graded Components – Challenges and Solutions","user_id":"71124","volume":"Fundamentals","page":"145-154","publication":"Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production | Fundamentals","type":"book_chapter","date_created":"2021-12-08T16:07:21Z","publisher":"Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten","series_title":"Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production","publication_status":"published","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:58:05Z","status":"public","year":"2013","editor":[{"first_name":" Werner","full_name":"Homberg, Werner","last_name":"Homberg"},{"full_name":"Biermann, Dirk","first_name":" Dirk","last_name":"Biermann"},{"full_name":"Heim, Hans-Peter","first_name":"Hans-Peter","last_name":"Heim"}]}