{"author":[{"first_name":"Tobias","last_name":"Gaukstern","full_name":"Gaukstern, Tobias"},{"first_name":"Roman","last_name":"Dumitrescu","full_name":"Dumitrescu, Roman","id":"16190"},{"first_name":"Christoph ","full_name":"J {\\ \"u} rgenhake, Christoph ","last_name":"J {\\ \"u} rgenhake"},{"first_name":"J {\\\" u} rgen","full_name":"Gausemeier, J {\\\" u} rgen","last_name":"Gausemeier"}],"year":"2013","citation":{"short":"T. Gaukstern, R. Dumitrescu, C. J {\\ \"u} rgenhake, J.{\\\" u} rgen Gausemeier, in: 2013.","chicago":"Gaukstern, Tobias, Roman Dumitrescu, Christoph J {\\ \"u} rgenhake, and J {\\\" u} rgen Gausemeier. “A Method for {\\ \"u} r the Design of Three-Dimensional Injection Molded Circuit Boards {\\ \"A} like (MID),” 2013.","ama":"Gaukstern T, Dumitrescu R, J {\\ \"u} rgenhake C, Gausemeier J{\\\" u} rgen. A method for {\\ \"u} r the design of three-dimensional injection molded circuit boards {\\ \"a} like (MID). In: ; 2013.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Gaukstern_Dumitrescu_J {\\ \"u} rgenhake_Gausemeier_2013, title={A method for {\\ \"u} r the design of three-dimensional injection molded circuit boards {\\ \"a} like (MID)}, author={Gaukstern, Tobias and Dumitrescu, Roman and J {\\ \"u} rgenhake, Christoph and Gausemeier, J {\\\" u} rgen}, year={2013} }","apa":"Gaukstern, T., Dumitrescu, R., J {\\ \"u} rgenhake, C., & Gausemeier, J. {\\\" u} rgen. (2013). A method for {\\ \"u} r the design of three-dimensional injection molded circuit boards {\\ \"a} like (MID).","mla":"Gaukstern, Tobias, et al. A Method for {\\ \"u} r the Design of Three-Dimensional Injection Molded Circuit Boards {\\ \"A} like (MID). 2013.","ieee":"T. Gaukstern, R. Dumitrescu, C. J {\\ \"u} rgenhake, and J. {\\\" u} rgen Gausemeier, “A method for {\\ \"u} r the design of three-dimensional injection molded circuit boards {\\ \"a} like (MID),” 2013."},"_id":"28543","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publication_status":"published","type":"conference","date_created":"2021-12-10T04:34:13Z","status":"public","user_id":"71124","department":[{"_id":"676"}],"title":"A method for {\\ \"u} r the design of three-dimensional injection molded circuit boards {\\ \"a} like (MID)","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:58:08Z"}