{"year":"2021","_id":"28691","publication":"Open Psychology","publication_status":"published","page":"1 - 46","abstract":[{"text":"As a formal theory, Bundesen’s theory of visual attention (TVA) enables the estimation of several theoretically meaningful parameters involved in attentional selection and visual encoding. As of yet, TVA has almost exclusively been used in restricted empirical scenarios such as whole and partial report and with strictly controlled stimulus material. We present a series of experiments in which we test whether the advantages of TVA can be exploited in more realistic scenarios with varying degree of stimulus control. This includes brief experimental sessions conducted on different mobile devices, computer games, and a driving simulator. Overall, six experiments demonstrate that the TVA parameters for processing capacity and attentional weight can be measured with sufficient precision in less controlled scenarios and that the results do not deviate strongly from typical laboratory results, although some systematic differences were found.","lang":"eng"}],"citation":{"bibtex":"@article{Krüger_Tünnermann_Stratmann_Briese_Dressler_Scharlau_2021, title={TVA in the wild: Applying the theory of visual attention to game-like and less controlled experiments}, volume={3}, DOI={10.1515/psych-2021-0001}, journal={Open Psychology}, author={Krüger, Alexander and Tünnermann, Jan and Stratmann, Lukas and Briese, Lucas and Dressler, Falko and Scharlau, Ingrid}, year={2021}, pages={1–46} }","short":"A. Krüger, J. Tünnermann, L. Stratmann, L. Briese, F. Dressler, I. Scharlau, Open Psychology 3 (2021) 1–46.","chicago":"Krüger, Alexander, Jan Tünnermann, Lukas Stratmann, Lucas Briese, Falko Dressler, and Ingrid Scharlau. “TVA in the Wild: Applying the Theory of Visual Attention to Game-like and Less Controlled Experiments.” Open Psychology 3 (2021): 1–46. https://doi.org/10.1515/psych-2021-0001.","ieee":"A. Krüger, J. Tünnermann, L. Stratmann, L. Briese, F. Dressler, and I. Scharlau, “TVA in the wild: Applying the theory of visual attention to game-like and less controlled experiments,” Open Psychology, vol. 3, pp. 1–46, 2021, doi: 10.1515/psych-2021-0001.","mla":"Krüger, Alexander, et al. “TVA in the Wild: Applying the Theory of Visual Attention to Game-like and Less Controlled Experiments.” Open Psychology, vol. 3, 2021, pp. 1–46, doi:10.1515/psych-2021-0001.","ama":"Krüger A, Tünnermann J, Stratmann L, Briese L, Dressler F, Scharlau I. TVA in the wild: Applying the theory of visual attention to game-like and less controlled experiments. Open Psychology. 2021;3:1-46. doi:10.1515/psych-2021-0001","apa":"Krüger, A., Tünnermann, J., Stratmann, L., Briese, L., Dressler, F., & Scharlau, I. (2021). TVA in the wild: Applying the theory of visual attention to game-like and less controlled experiments. Open Psychology, 3, 1–46. https://doi.org/10.1515/psych-2021-0001"},"volume":3,"title":"TVA in the wild: Applying the theory of visual attention to game-like and less controlled experiments","status":"public","author":[{"last_name":"Krüger","first_name":"Alexander","full_name":"Krüger, Alexander"},{"full_name":"Tünnermann, Jan","first_name":"Jan","last_name":"Tünnermann"},{"full_name":"Stratmann, Lukas","first_name":"Lukas","last_name":"Stratmann"},{"first_name":"Lucas","full_name":"Briese, Lucas","last_name":"Briese"},{"last_name":"Dressler","orcid":"0000-0002-1989-1750","id":"48097","full_name":"Dressler, Falko","first_name":"Falko"},{"orcid":"0000-0003-2364-9489","last_name":"Scharlau","first_name":"Ingrid","full_name":"Scharlau, Ingrid","id":"451"}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["2543-8883"]},"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"department":[{"_id":"424"}],"doi":"10.1515/psych-2021-0001","user_id":"42165","intvolume":" 3","date_created":"2021-12-13T10:17:15Z","type":"journal_article","date_updated":"2023-01-02T09:13:16Z"}