{"citation":{"apa":"Voogt, J., Eickelmann, B., Labusch, A., Yadav, A., Leftwich, A., Strijker, A., Rich, K., Good, J., & Sands, P. (2018). Learning and teaching computational thinking – challenges for teacher education. In E. Langran & J. Borup (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 57–60). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).","ama":"Voogt J, Eickelmann B, Labusch A, et al. Learning and teaching computational thinking – challenges for teacher education. In: Langran E, Borup J, eds. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE); 2018:57-60.","ieee":"J. Voogt et al., “Learning and teaching computational thinking – challenges for teacher education,” in Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, E. Langran and J. Borup, Eds. Washington D.C.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2018, pp. 57–60.","bibtex":"@inbook{Voogt_Eickelmann_Labusch_Yadav_Leftwich_Strijker_Rich_Good_Sands_2018, place={Washington D.C.}, title={Learning and teaching computational thinking – challenges for teacher education}, booktitle={Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference}, publisher={Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)}, author={Voogt, Joke and Eickelmann, Birgit and Labusch, Amelie and Yadav, Aman and Leftwich, Anne and Strijker, Allard and Rich, Kathryn and Good, Jon and Sands, Phil}, editor={Langran, Elizabeth and Borup, Jered}, year={2018}, pages={57–60} }","mla":"Voogt, Joke, et al. “Learning and Teaching Computational Thinking – Challenges for Teacher Education.” Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, edited by Elizabeth Langran and Jered Borup, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2018, pp. 57–60.","chicago":"Voogt, Joke, Birgit Eickelmann, Amelie Labusch, Aman Yadav, Anne Leftwich, Allard Strijker, Kathryn Rich, Jon Good, and Phil Sands. “Learning and Teaching Computational Thinking – Challenges for Teacher Education.” In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, edited by Elizabeth Langran and Jered Borup, 57–60. Washington D.C.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2018.","short":"J. Voogt, B. Eickelmann, A. Labusch, A. Yadav, A. Leftwich, A. Strijker, K. Rich, J. Good, P. Sands, in: E. Langran, J. Borup (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Washington D.C., 2018, pp. 57–60."},"year":"2018","publisher":"Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)","page":"57-60","date_updated":"2022-01-06T06:58:18Z","status":"public","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"editor":[{"first_name":"Elizabeth","last_name":"Langran","full_name":"Langran, Elizabeth"},{"first_name":"Jered","last_name":"Borup","full_name":"Borup, Jered"}],"_id":"28714","user_id":"50923","date_created":"2021-12-13T14:10:30Z","place":"Washington D.C.","publication":"Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference","type":"book_chapter","department":[{"_id":"462"}],"author":[{"first_name":"Joke","last_name":"Voogt","full_name":"Voogt, Joke"},{"last_name":"Eickelmann","full_name":"Eickelmann, Birgit","first_name":"Birgit","id":"40387"},{"first_name":"Amelie","full_name":"Labusch, Amelie","last_name":"Labusch"},{"first_name":"Aman","last_name":"Yadav","full_name":"Yadav, Aman"},{"full_name":"Leftwich, Anne","last_name":"Leftwich","first_name":"Anne"},{"first_name":"Allard","full_name":"Strijker, Allard","last_name":"Strijker"},{"full_name":"Rich, Kathryn","last_name":"Rich","first_name":"Kathryn"},{"first_name":"Jon","full_name":"Good, Jon","last_name":"Good"},{"full_name":"Sands, Phil","last_name":"Sands","first_name":"Phil"}],"title":"Learning and teaching computational thinking – challenges for teacher education"}