{"quality_controlled":"1","title":"Empowering Forms. Hegel’s conception of ‘form’ and ‘formal’","year":"2019","user_id":"35768","type":"book_chapter","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publisher":"Bloomsbury ","author":[{"full_name":"Ficara, Elena","last_name":"Ficara","first_name":"Elena","id":"35768"}],"publication":"Hegel, Logic and Speculation","page":"15 - 26","_id":"30094","citation":{"ieee":"E. Ficara, “Empowering Forms. Hegel’s conception of ‘form’ and ‘formal,’” in Hegel, Logic and Speculation, D. Bubbio, A. De Cesaris , M. Pagano, and H. Weslati, Eds. London: Bloomsbury , 2019, pp. 15–26.","chicago":"Ficara, Elena. “Empowering Forms. Hegel’s Conception of ‘Form’ and ‘Formal.’” In Hegel, Logic and Speculation, edited by Diego Bubbio, Alessandro De Cesaris , Maurizio Pagano, and Hager Weslati, 15–26. London: Bloomsbury , 2019.","apa":"Ficara, E. (2019). Empowering Forms. Hegel’s conception of ‘form’ and ‘formal.’ In D. Bubbio, A. De Cesaris , M. Pagano, & H. Weslati (Eds.), Hegel, Logic and Speculation (pp. 15–26). Bloomsbury .","short":"E. Ficara, in: D. Bubbio, A. De Cesaris , M. Pagano, H. Weslati (Eds.), Hegel, Logic and Speculation, Bloomsbury , London, 2019, pp. 15–26.","ama":"Ficara E. Empowering Forms. Hegel’s conception of ‘form’ and ‘formal.’ In: Bubbio D, De Cesaris A, Pagano M, Weslati H, eds. Hegel, Logic and Speculation. Bloomsbury ; 2019:15-26.","bibtex":"@inbook{Ficara_2019, place={London}, title={Empowering Forms. Hegel’s conception of ‘form’ and ‘formal’}, booktitle={Hegel, Logic and Speculation}, publisher={Bloomsbury }, author={Ficara, Elena}, editor={Bubbio, Diego and De Cesaris , Alessandro and Pagano, Maurizio and Weslati, Hager}, year={2019}, pages={15–26} }","mla":"Ficara, Elena. “Empowering Forms. Hegel’s Conception of ‘Form’ and ‘Formal.’” Hegel, Logic and Speculation, edited by Diego Bubbio et al., Bloomsbury , 2019, pp. 15–26."},"date_created":"2022-02-24T18:01:20Z","editor":[{"last_name":"Bubbio","full_name":"Bubbio, Diego","first_name":"Diego"},{"first_name":"Alessandro ","full_name":"De Cesaris , Alessandro ","last_name":"De Cesaris "},{"first_name":"Maurizio","last_name":"Pagano","full_name":"Pagano, Maurizio"},{"full_name":"Weslati, Hager","last_name":"Weslati","first_name":"Hager"}],"status":"public","date_updated":"2022-03-01T12:06:45Z","place":"London"}