{"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_created":"2022-03-15T12:07:17Z","date_updated":"2023-05-02T08:22:02Z","author":[{"full_name":"Rozo Vasquez, Julian","last_name":"Rozo Vasquez","first_name":"Julian"},{"last_name":"Arian","first_name":"Bahman","id":"36287","full_name":"Arian, Bahman"},{"full_name":"Riepold, Markus","last_name":"Riepold","first_name":"Markus"},{"last_name":"Walther","first_name":"Frank","full_name":"Walther, Frank"},{"id":"233","full_name":"Homberg, Werner","first_name":"Werner","last_name":"Homberg"},{"full_name":"Trächtler, Ansgar","id":"552","last_name":"Trächtler","first_name":"Ansgar"}],"department":[{"_id":"156"},{"_id":"153"},{"_id":"241"}],"status":"public","publication":"Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress","quality_controlled":"1","year":"2021","citation":{"apa":"Rozo Vasquez, J., Arian, B., Riepold, M., Walther, F., Homberg, W., & Trächtler, A. (2021). Magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis for microstructural effects separation during flow forming of metastable austenite 304L. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress. ENDT&CM 2021 - 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress, Prague.","ama":"Rozo Vasquez J, Arian B, Riepold M, Walther F, Homberg W, Trächtler A. Magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis for microstructural effects separation during flow forming of metastable austenite 304L. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress. ; 2021.","short":"J. Rozo Vasquez, B. Arian, M. Riepold, F. Walther, W. Homberg, A. Trächtler, in: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress, 2021.","mla":"Rozo Vasquez, Julian, et al. “Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Analysis for Microstructural Effects Separation during Flow Forming of Metastable Austenite 304L.” Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress, 2021.","ieee":"J. Rozo Vasquez, B. Arian, M. Riepold, F. Walther, W. Homberg, and A. Trächtler, “Magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis for microstructural effects separation during flow forming of metastable austenite 304L.,” presented at the ENDT&CM 2021 - 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress, Prague, 2021.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Rozo Vasquez_Arian_Riepold_Walther_Homberg_Trächtler_2021, title={Magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis for microstructural effects separation during flow forming of metastable austenite 304L.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress}, author={Rozo Vasquez, Julian and Arian, Bahman and Riepold, Markus and Walther, Frank and Homberg, Werner and Trächtler, Ansgar}, year={2021} }","chicago":"Rozo Vasquez, Julian, Bahman Arian, Markus Riepold, Frank Walther, Werner Homberg, and Ansgar Trächtler. “Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Analysis for Microstructural Effects Separation during Flow Forming of Metastable Austenite 304L.” In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress, 2021."},"conference":{"location":"Prague","end_date":"2021.10.07","start_date":"2021.10.04","name":"ENDT&CM 2021 - 11th International Workshop NDT in Progress"},"user_id":"36287","type":"conference","_id":"30297","title":"Magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis for microstructural effects separation during flow forming of metastable austenite 304L."}