{"type":"preprint","user_id":"45027","author":[{"full_name":"Kolb, Martin","last_name":"Kolb","first_name":"Martin"},{"first_name":"Tobias","full_name":"Weich, Tobias","last_name":"Weich"},{"last_name":"Wolf","full_name":"Wolf, Lasse Lennart","first_name":"Lasse Lennart"}],"external_id":{"arxiv":["2011.06434"]},"title":"Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant\n Curvature","year":"2020","date_created":"2022-05-11T10:42:11Z","date_updated":"2023-07-24T07:53:47Z","status":"public","citation":{"short":"M. Kolb, T. Weich, L.L. Wolf, ArXiv:2011.06434 (2020).","ama":"Kolb M, Weich T, Wolf LL. Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant  Curvature. arXiv:201106434. Published online 2020.","apa":"Kolb, M., Weich, T., & Wolf, L. L. (2020). Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant  Curvature. In arXiv:2011.06434.","ieee":"M. Kolb, T. Weich, and L. L. Wolf, “Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant  Curvature,” arXiv:2011.06434. 2020.","chicago":"Kolb, Martin, Tobias Weich, and Lasse Lennart Wolf. “Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant  Curvature.” ArXiv:2011.06434, 2020.","mla":"Kolb, Martin, et al. “Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant  Curvature.” ArXiv:2011.06434, 2020.","bibtex":"@article{Kolb_Weich_Wolf_2020, title={Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant  Curvature}, journal={arXiv:2011.06434}, author={Kolb, Martin and Weich, Tobias and Wolf, Lasse Lennart}, year={2020} }"},"_id":"31192","publication":"arXiv:2011.06434","abstract":[{"text":"The kinetic Brownian motion on the sphere bundle of a Riemannian manifold $M$\nis a stochastic process that models a random perturbation of the geodesic flow.\nIf $M$ is a orientable compact constantly curved surface, we show that in the\nlimit of infinitely large perturbation the $L^2$-spectrum of the infinitesimal\ngenerator of a time rescaled version of the process converges to the Laplace\nspectrum of the base manifold.","lang":"eng"}]}