{"date_created":"2022-07-08T07:49:53Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2022-07-11T06:59:25Z","author":[{"last_name":"Möller","first_name":"Marius Claus","full_name":"Möller, Marius Claus","id":"72391"},{"full_name":"Krauter, Stefan","orcid":"0000-0002-3594-260X","id":"28836","last_name":"Krauter","first_name":"Stefan"}],"department":[{"_id":"53"}],"status":"public","publication":"Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference","year":"2022","conference":{"name":"49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference","end_date":"2022-06-10","location":"Philadelphia, PA, USA","start_date":"2022-06-05"},"corporate_editor":["IEEE"],"citation":{"short":"M.C. Möller, S. Krauter, in: IEEE (Ed.), Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2022.","ieee":"M. C. Möller and S. Krauter, “Model of a Self-Sufficient PV Home using a Hybrid Storage System based on Li-Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Storage with Waste Heat Utilization ,” in Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2022.","mla":"Möller, Marius Claus, and Stefan Krauter. “Model of a Self-Sufficient PV Home Using a Hybrid Storage System Based on Li-Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Storage with Waste Heat Utilization .” Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, edited by IEEE, 2022.","apa":"Möller, M. C., & Krauter, S. (2022). Model of a Self-Sufficient PV Home using a Hybrid Storage System based on Li-Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Storage with Waste Heat Utilization . In IEEE (Ed.), Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference.","ama":"Möller MC, Krauter S. Model of a Self-Sufficient PV Home using a Hybrid Storage System based on Li-Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Storage with Waste Heat Utilization . In: IEEE, ed. Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. ; 2022.","chicago":"Möller, Marius Claus, and Stefan Krauter. “Model of a Self-Sufficient PV Home Using a Hybrid Storage System Based on Li-Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Storage with Waste Heat Utilization .” In Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, edited by IEEE, 2022.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Möller_Krauter_2022, title={Model of a Self-Sufficient PV Home using a Hybrid Storage System based on Li-Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Storage with Waste Heat Utilization }, booktitle={Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference}, author={Möller, Marius Claus and Krauter, Stefan}, editor={IEEE}, year={2022} }"},"user_id":"16148","type":"conference","abstract":[{"text":"This paper provides a hybrid energy system model created in Matlab/Simulink which is based on photovoltaics as its main energy source. The model includes a hybrid energy storage which consists of a short-term lithium-ion battery and hydrogen as long-term storage to ensure autonomy even during periods of low PV production (e.g., in winter). The sectors heat and electricity are coupled by using the waste-heat generated by production and reconversion of hydrogen through an electrolyser respectively a fuel cell. A heat pump has been considered to cover the residual heat demand (for well insulated homes). Within this paper a model of the space heating system as well as the hot water heating system is presented. The model is designed for the simulation and analysis of a whole year energy flow by using a time series of loads, weather and heat profiles as input. Moreover, results of the energy balance within the energy system by simulation of a complete year by varying the orientation (elevation and azimuth) of the PV system and the component sizing, such as the lithium-ion battery capacity, are presented. It turned out that a high amount of heating energy can be saved by using the waste heat generated by the electrolyser and the fuel cell. The model is well suited for the analysis of the effects of different component dimensionings in a hydrogen-based energy system via the overall energy balance within the residential sector.","lang":"eng"}],"title":"Model of a Self-Sufficient PV Home using a Hybrid Storage System based on Li-Ion Batteries and Hydrogen Storage with Waste Heat Utilization ","_id":"32333"}