{"user_id":"49063","department":[{"_id":"5"},{"_id":"116"}],"type":"book_editor","language":[{"iso":"ger"}],"title":"Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media","year":"2020","status":"public","date_updated":"2022-12-15T01:27:27Z","place":"Paderborn","date_created":"2022-08-26T08:47:56Z","editor":[{"last_name":"Harmening","full_name":"Harmening, Anda-Lisa Martha Josephine Anna","first_name":"Anda-Lisa Martha Josephine Anna","id":"48437"},{"first_name":"Tamara ","full_name":"Schmitt, Tamara ","last_name":"Schmitt"},{"first_name":"Maike ","last_name":"Baumgärtner ","full_name":"Baumgärtner , Maike "}],"_id":"33187","citation":{"bibtex":"@book{Harmening_Schmitt_Baumgärtner _2020, place={Paderborn}, title={Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media}, year={2020} }","mla":"Harmening, Anda-Lisa Martha Josephine Anna, et al., editors. Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media. 2020.","short":"A.-L.M.J.A. Harmening, T. Schmitt, M. Baumgärtner , eds., Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media, Paderborn, 2020.","ama":"Harmening A-LMJA, Schmitt T, Baumgärtner M, eds. Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media.; 2020.","ieee":"A.-L. M. J. A. Harmening, T. Schmitt, and M. Baumgärtner , Eds., Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media. Paderborn, 2020.","chicago":"Harmening, Anda-Lisa Martha Josephine Anna, Tamara Schmitt, and Maike Baumgärtner , eds. Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media. Paderborn, 2020.","apa":"Harmening, A.-L. M. J. A., Schmitt, T., & Baumgärtner , M. (Eds.). (2020). Intersections of Gender and Myth in canadian culture and Media."}}