{"date_created":"2023-01-24T10:03:39Z","type":"conference","publication":"2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI)","publication_status":"published","date_updated":"2023-03-23T13:26:35Z","publisher":"IEEE","year":"2022","status":"public","_id":"39373","doi":"10.1109/ssi56489.2022.9901416","department":[{"_id":"59"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Modeling and Characterization of a 3D Environment for the Design of an Inductively Based Locating Method by Coil Couplings","citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Lange_Hedayat_Kuhn_Hilleringmann_2022, title={Modeling and Characterization of a 3D Environment for the Design of an Inductively Based Locating Method by Coil Couplings}, DOI={10.1109/ssi56489.2022.9901416}, booktitle={2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Lange, Sven and Hedayat, Christian and Kuhn, Harald and Hilleringmann, Ulrich}, year={2022} }","mla":"Lange, Sven, et al. “Modeling and Characterization of a 3D Environment for the Design of an Inductively Based Locating Method by Coil Couplings.” 2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI), IEEE, 2022, doi:10.1109/ssi56489.2022.9901416.","ieee":"S. Lange, C. Hedayat, H. Kuhn, and U. Hilleringmann, “Modeling and Characterization of a 3D Environment for the Design of an Inductively Based Locating Method by Coil Couplings,” 2022, doi: 10.1109/ssi56489.2022.9901416.","chicago":"Lange, Sven, Christian Hedayat, Harald Kuhn, and Ulrich Hilleringmann. “Modeling and Characterization of a 3D Environment for the Design of an Inductively Based Locating Method by Coil Couplings.” In 2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI). IEEE, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1109/ssi56489.2022.9901416.","apa":"Lange, S., Hedayat, C., Kuhn, H., & Hilleringmann, U. (2022). Modeling and Characterization of a 3D Environment for the Design of an Inductively Based Locating Method by Coil Couplings. 2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI). https://doi.org/10.1109/ssi56489.2022.9901416","short":"S. Lange, C. Hedayat, H. Kuhn, U. Hilleringmann, in: 2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI), IEEE, 2022.","ama":"Lange S, Hedayat C, Kuhn H, Hilleringmann U. Modeling and Characterization of a 3D Environment for the Design of an Inductively Based Locating Method by Coil Couplings. In: 2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI). IEEE; 2022. doi:10.1109/ssi56489.2022.9901416"},"author":[{"last_name":"Lange","first_name":"Sven","full_name":"Lange, Sven"},{"last_name":"Hedayat","full_name":"Hedayat, Christian","first_name":"Christian"},{"last_name":"Kuhn","first_name":"Harald","full_name":"Kuhn, Harald"},{"last_name":"Hilleringmann","id":"20179","first_name":"Ulrich","full_name":"Hilleringmann, Ulrich"}],"user_id":"20179"}