{"author":[{"full_name":"Müller, Wolfgang","last_name":"Müller","id":"16243","first_name":"Wolfgang"},{"full_name":"Kleinjohann, Bernd","last_name":"Kleinjohann","first_name":"Bernd"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"conference","department":[{"_id":"672"}],"user_id":"5786","year":"1992","title":"The EXPRESS Information Modeling Workbench - A New Approach to Graphical Design Environments","place":"Dallas TX","date_updated":"2023-01-24T12:29:20Z","status":"public","date_created":"2023-01-24T12:29:15Z","_id":"39582","citation":{"short":"W. Müller, B. Kleinjohann, in: Proceedings of the 2nd EXPRESS User’s Group Conference, Dallas TX, 1992.","ama":"Müller W, Kleinjohann B. The EXPRESS Information Modeling Workbench - A New Approach to Graphical Design Environments. In: Proceedings of the 2nd EXPRESS User’s Group Conference. ; 1992.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Müller_Kleinjohann_1992, place={Dallas TX}, title={The EXPRESS Information Modeling Workbench - A New Approach to Graphical Design Environments}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd EXPRESS User’s Group Conference}, author={Müller, Wolfgang and Kleinjohann, Bernd}, year={1992} }","mla":"Müller, Wolfgang, and Bernd Kleinjohann. “The EXPRESS Information Modeling Workbench - A New Approach to Graphical Design Environments.” Proceedings of the 2nd EXPRESS User’s Group Conference, 1992.","ieee":"W. Müller and B. Kleinjohann, “The EXPRESS Information Modeling Workbench - A New Approach to Graphical Design Environments,” 1992.","chicago":"Müller, Wolfgang, and Bernd Kleinjohann. “The EXPRESS Information Modeling Workbench - A New Approach to Graphical Design Environments.” In Proceedings of the 2nd EXPRESS User’s Group Conference. Dallas TX, 1992.","apa":"Müller, W., & Kleinjohann, B. (1992). The EXPRESS Information Modeling Workbench - A New Approach to Graphical Design Environments. Proceedings of the 2nd EXPRESS User’s Group Conference."},"publication":"Proceedings of the 2nd EXPRESS User's Group Conference"}