{"issue":"4","author":[{"first_name":"Andreas","last_name":"Eckstein","full_name":"Eckstein, Andreas"},{"first_name":"Andreas","last_name":"Christ","full_name":"Christ, Andreas"},{"last_name":"Mosley","first_name":"Peter J.","full_name":"Mosley, Peter J."},{"last_name":"Silberhorn","first_name":"Christine","full_name":"Silberhorn, Christine","id":"26263"}],"department":[{"_id":"288"},{"_id":"15"}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["1862-6351","1610-1642"]},"year":"2011","keyword":["Condensed Matter Physics"],"page":"1216-1219","publisher":"Wiley","_id":"40186","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_created":"2023-01-26T08:21:59Z","date_updated":"2023-01-30T12:50:41Z","intvolume":" 8","status":"public","publication":"physica status solidi c","publication_status":"published","doi":"10.1002/pssc.201000876","citation":{"ama":"Eckstein A, Christ A, Mosley PJ, Silberhorn C. Realistic g (2) measurement of a PDC source with single photon detectors in the presence of background. physica status solidi c. 2011;8(4):1216-1219. doi:10.1002/pssc.201000876","apa":"Eckstein, A., Christ, A., Mosley, P. J., & Silberhorn, C. (2011). Realistic g (2) measurement of a PDC source with single photon detectors in the presence of background. Physica Status Solidi c, 8(4), 1216–1219. https://doi.org/10.1002/pssc.201000876","mla":"Eckstein, Andreas, et al. “Realistic g (2) Measurement of a PDC Source with Single Photon Detectors in the Presence of Background.” Physica Status Solidi c, vol. 8, no. 4, Wiley, 2011, pp. 1216–19, doi:10.1002/pssc.201000876.","ieee":"A. Eckstein, A. Christ, P. J. Mosley, and C. Silberhorn, “Realistic g (2) measurement of a PDC source with single photon detectors in the presence of background,” physica status solidi c, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1216–1219, 2011, doi: 10.1002/pssc.201000876.","short":"A. Eckstein, A. Christ, P.J. Mosley, C. Silberhorn, Physica Status Solidi c 8 (2011) 1216–1219.","bibtex":"@article{Eckstein_Christ_Mosley_Silberhorn_2011, title={Realistic g (2) measurement of a PDC source with single photon detectors in the presence of background}, volume={8}, DOI={10.1002/pssc.201000876}, number={4}, journal={physica status solidi c}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Eckstein, Andreas and Christ, Andreas and Mosley, Peter J. and Silberhorn, Christine}, year={2011}, pages={1216–1219} }","chicago":"Eckstein, Andreas, Andreas Christ, Peter J. Mosley, and Christine Silberhorn. “Realistic g (2) Measurement of a PDC Source with Single Photon Detectors in the Presence of Background.” Physica Status Solidi c 8, no. 4 (2011): 1216–19. https://doi.org/10.1002/pssc.201000876."},"user_id":"26263","volume":8,"type":"journal_article","title":"Realistic g (2) measurement of a PDC source with single photon detectors in the presence of background"}