{"date_created":"2023-02-02T14:31:05Z","publication_identifier":{"issn":["1996-1944"]},"author":[{"last_name":"Heiland","first_name":"Steffen","id":"77250","full_name":"Heiland, Steffen"},{"first_name":"Benjamin","full_name":"Milkereit, Benjamin","last_name":"Milkereit"},{"last_name":"Hoyer","id":"48411","full_name":"Hoyer, Kay-Peter","first_name":"Kay-Peter"},{"first_name":"Evgeny","full_name":"Zhuravlev, Evgeny","last_name":"Zhuravlev"},{"last_name":"Kessler","full_name":"Kessler, Olaf","first_name":"Olaf"},{"last_name":"Schaper","first_name":"Mirko","full_name":"Schaper, Mirko","id":"43720"}],"status":"public","keyword":["General Materials Science"],"article_number":"7190","doi":"10.3390/ma14237190","department":[{"_id":"9"},{"_id":"158"}],"user_id":"43720","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"citation":{"ieee":"S. Heiland, B. Milkereit, K.-P. Hoyer, E. Zhuravlev, O. Kessler, and M. Schaper, “Requirements for Processing High-Strength AlZnMgCu Alloys with PBF-LB/M to Achieve Crack-Free and Dense Parts,” Materials, vol. 14, no. 23, Art. no. 7190, 2021, doi: 10.3390/ma14237190.","ama":"Heiland S, Milkereit B, Hoyer K-P, Zhuravlev E, Kessler O, Schaper M. Requirements for Processing High-Strength AlZnMgCu Alloys with PBF-LB/M to Achieve Crack-Free and Dense Parts. Materials. 2021;14(23). doi:10.3390/ma14237190","apa":"Heiland, S., Milkereit, B., Hoyer, K.-P., Zhuravlev, E., Kessler, O., & Schaper, M. (2021). Requirements for Processing High-Strength AlZnMgCu Alloys with PBF-LB/M to Achieve Crack-Free and Dense Parts. Materials, 14(23), Article 7190. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14237190","mla":"Heiland, Steffen, et al. “Requirements for Processing High-Strength AlZnMgCu Alloys with PBF-LB/M to Achieve Crack-Free and Dense Parts.” Materials, vol. 14, no. 23, 7190, MDPI AG, 2021, doi:10.3390/ma14237190.","short":"S. Heiland, B. Milkereit, K.-P. Hoyer, E. Zhuravlev, O. Kessler, M. Schaper, Materials 14 (2021).","chicago":"Heiland, Steffen, Benjamin Milkereit, Kay-Peter Hoyer, Evgeny Zhuravlev, Olaf Kessler, and Mirko Schaper. “Requirements for Processing High-Strength AlZnMgCu Alloys with PBF-LB/M to Achieve Crack-Free and Dense Parts.” Materials 14, no. 23 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14237190.","bibtex":"@article{Heiland_Milkereit_Hoyer_Zhuravlev_Kessler_Schaper_2021, title={Requirements for Processing High-Strength AlZnMgCu Alloys with PBF-LB/M to Achieve Crack-Free and Dense Parts}, volume={14}, DOI={10.3390/ma14237190}, number={237190}, journal={Materials}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Heiland, Steffen and Milkereit, Benjamin and Hoyer, Kay-Peter and Zhuravlev, Evgeny and Kessler, Olaf and Schaper, Mirko}, year={2021} }"},"volume":14,"issue":"23","publication_status":"published","publication":"Materials","type":"journal_article","intvolume":" 14","date_updated":"2023-06-01T14:34:46Z","title":"Requirements for Processing High-Strength AlZnMgCu Alloys with PBF-LB/M to Achieve Crack-Free and Dense Parts","publisher":"MDPI AG","quality_controlled":"1","_id":"41506","year":"2021","abstract":[{"text":"Processing aluminum alloys employing powder bed fusion of metals (PBF-LB/M) is becoming more attractive for the industry, especially if lightweight applications are needed. Unfortunately, high-strength aluminum alloys such as AA7075 are prone to hot cracking during PBF-LB/M, as well as welding. Both a large solidification range promoted by the alloying elements zinc and copper and a high thermal gradient accompanied with the manufacturing process conditions lead to or favor hot cracking. In the present study, a simple method for modifying the powder surface with titanium carbide nanoparticles (NPs) as a nucleating agent is aimed. The effect on the microstructure with different amounts of the nucleating agent is shown. For the aluminum alloy 7075 with 2.5 ma% titanium carbide nanoparticles, manufactured via PBF-LB/M, crack-free samples with a refined microstructure having no discernible melt pool boundaries and columnar grains are observed. After using a two-step ageing heat treatment, ultimate tensile strengths up to 465 MPa and an 8.9% elongation at break are achieved. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that not all nanoparticles used remain in the melt pool during PBF-LB/M.","lang":"eng"}]}