{"oa":"1","type":"book_chapter","publisher":"John von Neumann Institute for Computing","citation":{"chicago":"Meier, Torsten, B. Pasenow, P. Thomas, and S.W. Koch. “Many-Body Coulomb Effects in the Optical Properties of Semiconductor Heterostructures.” In Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20, edited by Dietrich Wolf, Gernot Münster, and Manfred Kremer, 20:261–70. NIC Symposium 2004 - Proceedings. Jülich: John von Neumann Institute for Computing, 2003.","mla":"Meier, Torsten, et al. “Many-Body Coulomb Effects in the Optical Properties of Semiconductor Heterostructures.” Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20, edited by Dietrich Wolf et al., vol. 20, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, 2003, pp. 261–70.","apa":"Meier, T., Pasenow, B., Thomas, P., & Koch, S. W. (2003). Many-body Coulomb effects in the optical properties of semiconductor heterostructures. In D. Wolf, G. Münster, & M. Kremer (Eds.), Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20 (Vol. 20, pp. 261–270). John von Neumann Institute for Computing.","short":"T. Meier, B. Pasenow, P. Thomas, S.W. Koch, in: D. Wolf, G. Münster, M. Kremer (Eds.), Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, 2003, pp. 261–270.","ieee":"T. Meier, B. Pasenow, P. Thomas, and S. W. Koch, “Many-body Coulomb effects in the optical properties of semiconductor heterostructures,” in Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20, vol. 20, D. Wolf, G. Münster, and M. Kremer, Eds. Jülich: John von Neumann Institute for Computing, 2003, pp. 261–270.","bibtex":"@inbook{Meier_Pasenow_Thomas_Koch_2003, place={Jülich}, series={NIC Symposium 2004 - Proceedings}, title={Many-body Coulomb effects in the optical properties of semiconductor heterostructures}, volume={20}, booktitle={Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20}, publisher={John von Neumann Institute for Computing}, author={Meier, Torsten and Pasenow, B. and Thomas, P. and Koch, S.W.}, editor={Wolf, Dietrich and Münster, Gernot and Kremer, Manfred}, year={2003}, pages={261–270}, collection={NIC Symposium 2004 - Proceedings} }","ama":"Meier T, Pasenow B, Thomas P, Koch SW. Many-body Coulomb effects in the optical properties of semiconductor heterostructures. In: Wolf D, Münster G, Kremer M, eds. Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20. Vol 20. NIC Symposium 2004 - Proceedings. John von Neumann Institute for Computing; 2003:261-270."},"user_id":"49063","year":"2003","status":"public","_id":"43273","publication":"Germany NIC Series, Vol. 20","editor":[{"full_name":"Wolf, Dietrich","last_name":"Wolf","first_name":"Dietrich"},{"last_name":"Münster","full_name":"Münster, Gernot","first_name":"Gernot"},{"full_name":"Kremer, Manfred","last_name":"Kremer","first_name":"Manfred"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"page":"261-270","department":[{"_id":"293"}],"volume":20,"main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=4f5d22860fa9495a303fa335d91522c27ba02058"}],"publication_identifier":{"isbn":["3-00-012372-5"]},"author":[{"last_name":"Meier","full_name":"Meier, Torsten","first_name":"Torsten","id":"344","orcid":"0000-0001-8864-2072"},{"first_name":"B.","last_name":"Pasenow","full_name":"Pasenow, B."},{"full_name":"Thomas, P.","last_name":"Thomas","first_name":"P."},{"first_name":"S.W.","last_name":"Koch","full_name":"Koch, S.W."}],"publication_status":"published","date_created":"2023-04-01T23:09:15Z","extern":"1","title":"Many-body Coulomb effects in the optical properties of semiconductor heterostructures","date_updated":"2023-05-01T12:14:19Z","place":"Jülich","intvolume":" 20","series_title":"NIC Symposium 2004 - Proceedings"}