{"title":"Configuring the War-Zone: Battlefields as Markers of Glory and Catastrophe in Modern and Contemporary British Literature","year":"2022","author":[{"full_name":"Behler, Felix","last_name":"Behler","id":"50527","first_name":"Felix"}],"type":"conference","conference":{"end_date":"2022.09.24","location":"Innsbruck","name":"Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place","start_date":"2022.09.23"},"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"50527","citation":{"short":"F. Behler, in: Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. Organisation: Professor Mihaela Irimia (University of Bukarest), Univ. Professor Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck), Professor Christoph Ehland (University of Paderborn), 2022.","ama":"Behler F. Configuring the War-Zone: Battlefields as Markers of Glory and Catastrophe in Modern and Contemporary British Literature. In: Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. Organisation: Professor Mihaela Irimia (University of Bukarest), Univ. Professor Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck), Professor Christoph Ehland (University of Paderborn). ; 2022.","ieee":"F. Behler, “Configuring the War-Zone: Battlefields as Markers of Glory and Catastrophe in Modern and Contemporary British Literature,” presented at the Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place, Innsbruck, 2022.","chicago":"Behler, Felix. “Configuring the War-Zone: Battlefields as Markers of Glory and Catastrophe in Modern and Contemporary British Literature.” In Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. Organisation: Professor Mihaela Irimia (University of Bukarest), Univ. Professor Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck), Professor Christoph Ehland (University of Paderborn), 2022.","apa":"Behler, F. (2022). Configuring the War-Zone: Battlefields as Markers of Glory and Catastrophe in Modern and Contemporary British Literature. Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. Organisation: Professor Mihaela Irimia (University of Bukarest), Univ. Professor Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck), Professor Christoph Ehland (University of Paderborn). Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place, Innsbruck.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Behler_2022, title={Configuring the War-Zone: Battlefields as Markers of Glory and Catastrophe in Modern and Contemporary British Literature}, booktitle={Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. Organisation: Professor Mihaela Irimia (University of Bukarest), Univ. Professor Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck), Professor Christoph Ehland (University of Paderborn)}, author={Behler, Felix}, year={2022} }","mla":"Behler, Felix. “Configuring the War-Zone: Battlefields as Markers of Glory and Catastrophe in Modern and Contemporary British Literature.” Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. Organisation: Professor Mihaela Irimia (University of Bukarest), Univ. Professor Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck), Professor Christoph Ehland (University of Paderborn), 2022."},"_id":"44261","publication":"Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place. Organisation: Professor Mihaela Irimia (University of Bukarest), Univ. Professor Christoph Singer (University of Innsbruck), Professor Christoph Ehland (University of Paderborn)","date_updated":"2023-04-28T07:49:45Z","status":"public","date_created":"2023-04-28T07:49:30Z"}