{"_id":"44293","status":"public","date_created":"2023-05-01T13:10:24Z","publication_status":"published","year":"2006","author":[{"first_name":"Torsten","id":"344","last_name":"Meier","full_name":"Meier, Torsten","orcid":"0000-0001-8864-2072"},{"first_name":"Q.T.","full_name":"Vu, Q.T.","last_name":"Vu"},{"last_name":"Koch","full_name":"Koch, S.W.","first_name":"S.W."},{"full_name":"Duc, Huynh Thanh","last_name":"Duc","first_name":"Huynh Thanh"}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0420-0195"]},"user_id":"49063","main_file_link":[{"url":"https://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2006/conference/dresden/part/hl/session/38/contribution/1"}],"citation":{"mla":"Meier, Torsten, et al. “Coherent Optical Generation and Decay of Charge and Spin Currents in Semiconductor Heterostructures Analyzed by Microscopic Theory.” Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division, vol. 41, 2006.","chicago":"Meier, Torsten, Q.T. Vu, S.W. Koch, and Huynh Thanh Duc. “Coherent Optical Generation and Decay of Charge and Spin Currents in Semiconductor Heterostructures Analyzed by Microscopic Theory.” In Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division, Vol. 41. Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 2006.","apa":"Meier, T., Vu, Q. T., Koch, S. W., & Duc, H. T. (2006). Coherent optical generation and decay of charge and spin currents in semiconductor heterostructures analyzed by microscopic theory. Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division, 41.","short":"T. Meier, Q.T. Vu, S.W. Koch, H.T. Duc, in: Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division, 2006.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Meier_Vu_Koch_Duc_2006, series={Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft}, title={Coherent optical generation and decay of charge and spin currents in semiconductor heterostructures analyzed by microscopic theory}, volume={41}, booktitle={Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division}, author={Meier, Torsten and Vu, Q.T. and Koch, S.W. and Duc, Huynh Thanh}, year={2006}, collection={Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft} }","ieee":"T. Meier, Q. T. Vu, S. W. Koch, and H. T. Duc, “Coherent optical generation and decay of charge and spin currents in semiconductor heterostructures analyzed by microscopic theory,” in Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division, Dresden, Germany, 2006, vol. 41.","ama":"Meier T, Vu QT, Koch SW, Duc HT. Coherent optical generation and decay of charge and spin currents in semiconductor heterostructures analyzed by microscopic theory. In: Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division. Vol 41. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. ; 2006."},"volume":41,"type":"conference","department":[{"_id":"293"}],"series_title":"Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft","intvolume":" 41","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2023-05-01T13:10:28Z","title":"Coherent optical generation and decay of charge and spin currents in semiconductor heterostructures analyzed by microscopic theory","publication":"Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division","extern":"1","conference":{"start_date":"2006-03-27","end_date":"2006-03-31","name":"Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division","location":"Dresden, Germany"}}