{"author":[{"last_name":"Brahm","full_name":"Brahm, Taiga","first_name":"Taiga"},{"full_name":"Zellweger, Franziska","last_name":"Zellweger","first_name":"Franziska"},{"first_name":"Tobias","full_name":"Jenert, Tobias","orcid":" https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9262-5646","id":"71994","last_name":"Jenert"},{"first_name":"Geri","full_name":"Thomann, Geri","last_name":"Thomann"}],"keyword":["curriculum development","study programs","Bologna","educational development","higher education"],"title":"Developing study programs as a continuous task-the role of educational developers","citation":{"short":"T. Brahm, F. Zellweger, T. Jenert, G. Thomann, in: 2014.","apa":"Brahm, T., Zellweger, F., Jenert, T., & Thomann, G. (2014). Developing study programs as a continuous task-the role of educational developers. Presented at the ICED 2014 : Educational Development in a Changing World, Stockholm.","mla":"Brahm, Taiga, et al. Developing Study Programs as a Continuous Task-the Role of Educational Developers. 2014.","ama":"Brahm T, Zellweger F, Jenert T, Thomann G. Developing study programs as a continuous task-the role of educational developers. In: ; 2014.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Brahm_Zellweger_Jenert_Thomann_2014, title={Developing study programs as a continuous task-the role of educational developers}, author={Brahm, Taiga and Zellweger, Franziska and Jenert, Tobias and Thomann, Geri}, year={2014} }","ieee":"T. Brahm, F. Zellweger, T. Jenert, and G. Thomann, “Developing study programs as a continuous task-the role of educational developers,” presented at the ICED 2014 : Educational Development in a Changing World, Stockholm, 2014.","chicago":"Brahm, Taiga, Franziska Zellweger, Tobias Jenert, and Geri Thomann. “Developing Study Programs as a Continuous Task-the Role of Educational Developers,” 2014."},"status":"public","alternative_title":["Educational Development in a Changing World"],"extern":"1","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Abstract Summary: Study programs are currently receiving more attention in Europe. In consequence, it can be observed that the roles of program development and management are professionalized. In the proposed round table, we would like to discuss the role of educational developers to support this professionalization via measures of training and process support in the light of recent developments in Switzerland.\r\n\r\nAbstract Text: Professionalization of program development as an institutional responsibility \r\nIn Switzerland, different developments in higher education have led to increased attention to the development and management of the study programs such as the Bologna process, an increasingly competitive environment, the tertiarisation of a number of professions formerly acquired through vocational education. Furthermore, the national qualification framework and in particular accreditation processes require HEI to demonstrate the effectiveness of their activities (e.g., Sursock & Smit, 2010). Many different actors have been involved in development processes on the program level but also within educational development units. However, so far a systematic discourse on key issues regarding the management and development of study programs is missing, not only in German-speaking Europe. The following main question will guide the round table session: How can educational development give vital impulses for program development?\r\nOur starting points are two approaches or frameworks from Swiss HEI: a) the definition of competencies for new program professionals at the Zurich University for Teacher Education and b) a process for the strategic development of didactically-aligned study programs at the University of St. Gallen.\r\n\r\nFramework 1: Competencies for program managers\r\nThe experiences with a training program for study program managers at the Zurich University for Teacher Education are reported. Over\r\na period of four years, a competency profile has been developed and refined. Insights into the challenges and struggles of this role\r\nwere gained. Despite diverse job characteristics of program managers (often resulting from an institution-specific history), there is a\r\ncommon set of competencies necessary to successfully cope with organizational complexity such as role competency (Schein, 1992)\r\nand lateral leadership (Kühl et al., 2005).\r\nFramework 2: Towards a systematic development of study programs\r\nThe second initiative concerns the strategic approach to program development implemented at the University of St. Gallen (Brahm &\r\nJenert, 2013; Jenert, 2011). In this structured process, the program goes through four process steps: process initiation, program\r\nanalysis, program development, evaluation of the process and results. A major challenge in this process is the role of program\r\nprofessionals. The goal is to establish them as change agents for a didactically-aligned study program.\r\nOutcome: Role of educational development\r\nAfter briefly introducing the two examples, the roles of program professionals and educational development in HEI will be discussed.\r\nThe questions guiding the discussion will be:\r\n• How can program development be established as a continuing task, closely tied to quality development?\r\n• How can the competencies of program professionals be developed and the local capacity and ownership be strengthened?\r\n• How can educational development support program development and provide vital impulses?\r\nAudience Engagement. Depending on the number of participants, first the questions will be discussed in groups. To put the results of\r\nthe discussion on record, it will be summarized and uploaded in our weblog for further discussion after the session."}],"department":[{"_id":"208"},{"_id":"282"}],"year":"2014","type":"conference","date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:01:06Z","conference":{"name":"ICED 2014 : Educational Development in a Changing World","end_date":"2014-0618","location":"Stockholm","start_date":"2014-06-16"},"user_id":"51057","_id":"4470","date_created":"2018-09-18T13:30:30Z"}