{"year":"2018","author":[{"first_name":"D.","last_name":"Mays","full_name":"Mays, D."},{"first_name":"Sebastian","id":"89449","full_name":"Franke, Sebastian","last_name":"Franke"},{"full_name":"Metzner, F.","last_name":"Metzner","first_name":"F."},{"first_name":"C.","last_name":"Boyle","full_name":"Boyle, C."},{"first_name":"D.","last_name":"Jindal-Snape","full_name":"Jindal-Snape, D."},{"full_name":"Schneider, L.","last_name":"Schneider","first_name":"L."},{"full_name":"Zielemanns, H.","last_name":"Zielemanns","first_name":"H."},{"first_name":"Z.","last_name":"Pawils","full_name":"Pawils, Z."},{"first_name":"M.","last_name":"Wichmann","full_name":"Wichmann, M."}],"user_id":"49063","_id":"45136","status":"public","date_created":"2023-05-19T09:13:33Z","publication_status":"published","department":[{"_id":"805"}],"citation":{"chicago":"Mays, D., Sebastian Franke, F. Metzner, C. Boyle, D. Jindal-Snape, L. Schneider, H. Zielemanns, Z. Pawils, and M. Wichmann. “School Belonging and Successful Transition Practice - Academic Self-Concept and Achievement Motivation in Primary School Students.” In Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging, edited by K. Allen and C. Boyle, 168–87. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2018.","mla":"Mays, D., et al. “School Belonging and Successful Transition Practice - Academic Self-Concept and Achievement Motivation in Primary School Students.” Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging, edited by K. Allen and C. Boyle, Sense Publishers, 2018, pp. 168–87.","apa":"Mays, D., Franke, S., Metzner, F., Boyle, C., Jindal-Snape, D., Schneider, L., Zielemanns, H., Pawils, Z., & Wichmann, M. (2018). School belonging and successful transition practice - academic self-concept and achievement motivation in primary school students. In K. Allen & C. Boyle (Eds.), Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging (pp. 168–187). Sense Publishers.","short":"D. Mays, S. Franke, F. Metzner, C. Boyle, D. Jindal-Snape, L. Schneider, H. Zielemanns, Z. Pawils, M. Wichmann, in: K. Allen, C. Boyle (Eds.), Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2018, pp. 168–187.","ieee":"D. Mays et al., “School belonging and successful transition practice - academic self-concept and achievement motivation in primary school students,” in Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging, K. Allen and C. Boyle, Eds. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2018, pp. 168–187.","bibtex":"@inbook{Mays_Franke_Metzner_Boyle_Jindal-Snape_Schneider_Zielemanns_Pawils_Wichmann_2018, place={Rotterdam}, title={School belonging and successful transition practice - academic self-concept and achievement motivation in primary school students}, booktitle={Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging}, publisher={Sense Publishers}, author={Mays, D. and Franke, Sebastian and Metzner, F. and Boyle, C. and Jindal-Snape, D. and Schneider, L. and Zielemanns, H. and Pawils, Z. and Wichmann, M.}, editor={Allen, K. and Boyle, C.}, year={2018}, pages={168–187} }","ama":"Mays D, Franke S, Metzner F, et al. School belonging and successful transition practice - academic self-concept and achievement motivation in primary school students. In: Allen K, Boyle C, eds. Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging. Sense Publishers; 2018:168-187."},"publisher":"Sense Publishers","type":"book_chapter","date_updated":"2023-08-25T05:58:22Z","page":"168-187","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"place":"Rotterdam","publication":"Pathways to Belonging - Contemporary Research in School Belonging","extern":"1","title":"School belonging and successful transition practice - academic self-concept and achievement motivation in primary school students","editor":[{"first_name":"K.","full_name":"Allen, K.","last_name":"Allen"},{"last_name":"Boyle","full_name":"Boyle, C.","first_name":"C."}]}