{"citation":{"chicago":"Hahn, Charlotte Anna. Learning the Pronunciation of Segmental Features of English Phonology at German Primary Schools. LibreCat University, 2023. https://doi.org/10.17619/UNIPB/1-1802.","apa":"Hahn, C. A. (2023). Learning the pronunciation of segmental features of english phonology at german primary schools. LibreCat University. https://doi.org/10.17619/UNIPB/1-1802","mla":"Hahn, Charlotte Anna. Learning the Pronunciation of Segmental Features of English Phonology at German Primary Schools. LibreCat University, 2023, doi:10.17619/UNIPB/1-1802.","short":"C.A. Hahn, Learning the Pronunciation of Segmental Features of English Phonology at German Primary Schools, LibreCat University, 2023.","ieee":"C. A. Hahn, Learning the pronunciation of segmental features of english phonology at german primary schools. LibreCat University, 2023.","bibtex":"@book{Hahn_2023, title={Learning the pronunciation of segmental features of english phonology at german primary schools}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-1802}, publisher={LibreCat University}, author={Hahn, Charlotte Anna}, year={2023} }","ama":"Hahn CA. Learning the Pronunciation of Segmental Features of English Phonology at German Primary Schools. LibreCat University; 2023. doi:10.17619/UNIPB/1-1802"},"title":"Learning the pronunciation of segmental features of english phonology at german primary schools","doi":"10.17619/UNIPB/1-1802","date_updated":"2023-10-13T10:28:11Z","_id":"46967","abstract":[{"text":"In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Auswirkung expliziter Ausspracheübungen auf die englische Aussprache von Kindern an Grundschulen in NRW untersucht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Alternative für den mittel-offenen vorderen Vokal /æ/ und die dentalen Frikative /, ð/ zu bieten. Es wurde eine Interventionsstudie mit 72 Teilnehmenden aus drei verschiedenen Grundschulklassen durchgeführt; zwei vierte Klassen mit verschiedenen Lehrkräften und eine dritte Klasse, die von der Lehrperson einer der vierten Klassen unterrichtet wurde. Jede Klasse wurde in eine Kontroll- und zwei Interventionsgruppen (je eine für den Vokal und die Konsonanten) geteilt. Alle Gruppen wurden einmal zu Beginn und zwei Mal am Ende der Studie getestet. Zwischen den letzten beiden Tests lagen sechs bis acht Wochen, um einen mittelfristigen Effekt zu testen. Die Intervention, die nach der ersten Messung stattfand, wurde auf zwei je ca. drei-minütige Einzelsitzungen aufgeteilt. Während der Intervention übten die Teilnehmenden mit der Autorin die Aussprache des relevanten Phonems. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen, dass die Interventionen einen Effekt auf die Aussprache der Teilnehmenden hatten. Wie sich dieser Effekt verhält und entwickelt scheint von der Art des Phonems, dem Alter der Teilnehmenden sowie der bisherigen Ausspracheschulung abzuhängen. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse liefern Erkenntnisse nicht nur für die Grundschule selbst, sondern auch für die Lehrer*innenausbildung und Lehrplanentwicklung.","lang":"eng"},{"lang":"eng","text":"This dissertation explores the effect of explicit pronunciation exercises on the English pronunciation of primary school children in Germany. Pronunciation is often taught through drilling exercises, not because it is the best way of learning pronunciation, but for a lack of tried and tested alternatives. The aim of this dissertation is to provide an alternative method of teaching the pronunciation of the TRAP vowel and the dental fricatives, focussing especially on the physical nature of pronunciation. Therefore, an intervention study with German-speaking primary school pupils was conducted. The 72 participants were taken from three different classes: two year 4 classes taught by two different teachers and one year 3 class taught by the same teacher as one of the year 4 classes. Each class was split into one control group and two intervention groups: one for the TRAP vowel and one for the dental fricatives. The pronunciation of all participants was tested once in the beginning of the study and twice at the end of the study. A six to eight week gap between the latter to tests allowed for an insight into longer-term results. The pupils of the intervention groups additionally participated in two one-on-one sessions with the researcher, each lasting no longer than three minutes, to practice their pronunciation of the respective phoneme(s). The results of this study show that the exercises had an effect on the pronunciation of the participants. The nature of that effect seems to depend on the age of the participants and their previous pronunciation instruction(s). The results provide valuable insights into how explicit instructions can influence the pronunciation of segmental features and implications not only for primary school teachers, but also for teacher training and curriculum development."}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publisher":"LibreCat University","date_created":"2023-09-12T08:01:50Z","type":"dissertation","user_id":"14931","supervisor":[{"last_name":"Mindt","full_name":"Mindt, Ilka","first_name":"Ilka","id":"32079"}],"year":"2023","status":"public","department":[{"_id":"1"},{"_id":"384"}],"author":[{"first_name":"Charlotte Anna","full_name":"Hahn, Charlotte Anna","last_name":"Hahn","id":"25934"}]}