{"_id":"49181","publication":"German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"From European Symbolism to German Gesture: The International and Transnational Nationalism of Stefan George’s Blätter für die Kunst","author":[{"first_name":"Daniela","id":"103096","orcid":"0000-0003-3011-8715","full_name":"Gretz, Daniela","last_name":"Gretz"}],"year":"2023","editor":[{"full_name":"Tatlock, Lynne","last_name":"Tatlock","first_name":"Lynne"},{"first_name":"Kurt","full_name":"Beals, Kurt","last_name":"Beals"}],"place":"Rochester","user_id":"90347","page":"270–296","date_created":"2023-11-24T12:28:02Z","type":"book_chapter","status":"public","citation":{"short":"D. Gretz, in: L. Tatlock, K. Beals (Eds.), German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919, Rochester, 2023, pp. 270–296.","ama":"Gretz D. From European Symbolism to German Gesture: The International and Transnational Nationalism of Stefan George’s Blätter für die Kunst. In: Tatlock L, Beals K, eds. German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919. ; 2023:270–296.","chicago":"Gretz, Daniela. “From European Symbolism to German Gesture: The International and Transnational Nationalism of Stefan George’s Blätter Für Die Kunst.” In German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919, edited by Lynne Tatlock and Kurt Beals, 270–296. Rochester, 2023.","bibtex":"@inbook{Gretz_2023, place={Rochester}, title={From European Symbolism to German Gesture: The International and Transnational Nationalism of Stefan George’s Blätter für die Kunst}, booktitle={German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919}, author={Gretz, Daniela}, editor={Tatlock, Lynne and Beals, Kurt}, year={2023}, pages={270–296} }","ieee":"D. Gretz, “From European Symbolism to German Gesture: The International and Transnational Nationalism of Stefan George’s Blätter für die Kunst,” in German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919, L. Tatlock and K. Beals, Eds. Rochester, 2023, pp. 270–296.","mla":"Gretz, Daniela. “From European Symbolism to German Gesture: The International and Transnational Nationalism of Stefan George’s Blätter Für Die Kunst.” German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919, edited by Lynne Tatlock and Kurt Beals, 2023, pp. 270–296.","apa":"Gretz, D. (2023). From European Symbolism to German Gesture: The International and Transnational Nationalism of Stefan George’s Blätter für die Kunst. In L. Tatlock & K. Beals (Eds.), German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919 (pp. 270–296)."},"date_updated":"2023-11-24T12:28:31Z"}