{"keyword":["Service encounter","Technology roles","Employee roles","Customer roles","Employee experience","Customer experience"],"year":"2017","_id":"4949","type":"journal_article","author":[{"last_name":"Larivière","full_name":"Larivière, Bart","first_name":"Bart"},{"last_name":"Bowen","first_name":"David","full_name":"Bowen, David"},{"last_name":"Andreassen","full_name":"Andreassen, Tor W","first_name":"Tor W"},{"last_name":"Kunz","first_name":"Werner","full_name":"Kunz, Werner"},{"first_name":"Nancy J","full_name":"Sirianni, Nancy J","last_name":"Sirianni"},{"last_name":"Voss","full_name":"Voss, Chris","first_name":"Chris"},{"id":"36392","full_name":"Wünderlich, Nancy","first_name":"Nancy","last_name":"Wünderlich"},{"last_name":"De Keyser","first_name":"Arne","full_name":"De Keyser, Arne"}],"department":[{"_id":"178"},{"_id":"181"}],"date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:01:30Z","date_created":"2018-10-26T10:15:22Z","status":"public","publication_status":"published","article_type":"original","title":"“Service Encounter 2.0”: An investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers","citation":{"bibtex":"@article{Larivière_Bowen_Andreassen_Kunz_Sirianni_Voss_Wünderlich_De Keyser_2017, title={“Service Encounter 2.0”: An investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers}, number={79}, journal={Journal of Business Research}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Larivière, Bart and Bowen, David and Andreassen, Tor W and Kunz, Werner and Sirianni, Nancy J and Voss, Chris and Wünderlich, Nancy and De Keyser, Arne}, year={2017}, pages={238--246} }","mla":"Larivière, Bart, et al. “‘Service Encounter 2.0’: An Investigation into the Roles of Technology, Employees and Customers.” Journal of Business Research, no. 79, Elsevier, 2017, pp. 238--246.","short":"B. Larivière, D. Bowen, T.W. Andreassen, W. Kunz, N.J. Sirianni, C. Voss, N. Wünderlich, A. De Keyser, Journal of Business Research (2017) 238--246.","ieee":"B. Larivière et al., “‘Service Encounter 2.0’: An investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers,” Journal of Business Research, no. 79, pp. 238--246, 2017.","ama":"Larivière B, Bowen D, Andreassen TW, et al. “Service Encounter 2.0”: An investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers. Journal of Business Research. 2017;(79):238--246.","chicago":"Larivière, Bart, David Bowen, Tor W Andreassen, Werner Kunz, Nancy J Sirianni, Chris Voss, Nancy Wünderlich, and Arne De Keyser. “‘Service Encounter 2.0’: An Investigation into the Roles of Technology, Employees and Customers.” Journal of Business Research, no. 79 (2017): 238--246.","apa":"Larivière, B., Bowen, D., Andreassen, T. W., Kunz, W., Sirianni, N. J., Voss, C., … De Keyser, A. (2017). “Service Encounter 2.0”: An investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers. Journal of Business Research, (79), 238--246."},"page":"238--246","user_id":"37741","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"The service encounter – one of the foundational concepts in service research – is fundamentally changing due to rapid evolutions in technology. In this paper, we offer an updated perspective on what we label the “Service Encounter 2.0”. To this end, we develop a conceptual framework that captures the essence of the Service Encounter 2.0 and provides a synthesis of the changing interdependent roles of technology, employees, and customers. We find that technology either augments or substitutes service employees, and can foster network connections. In turn, employees and customers are taking on the role of enabler, innovator, coordinator and differentiator. In addition, we identify critical areas for future research on this important topic."}],"publisher":"Elsevier","issue":"79","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publication":"Journal of Business Research"}