{"status":"public","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"citation":{"chicago":"Brock, Jonathan, Bernd Löhr, Katharina Brennig, Thilo Seger, Christian Bartelheimer, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, and Roman Dumitrescu. “A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve Their Process Mining Activities.” In European Conference on Information Systems, 2023.","mla":"Brock, Jonathan, et al. “A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve Their Process Mining Activities.” European Conference on Information Systems, 2023.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Brock_Löhr_Brennig_Seger_Bartelheimer_von Enzberg_Kühn_Dumitrescu_2023, title={A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve their Process Mining Activities}, booktitle={European Conference on Information Systems}, author={Brock, Jonathan and Löhr, Bernd and Brennig, Katharina and Seger, Thilo and Bartelheimer, Christian and von Enzberg, Sebastian and Kühn, Arno and Dumitrescu, Roman}, year={2023} }","ieee":"J. Brock et al., “A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve their Process Mining Activities,” 2023.","apa":"Brock, J., Löhr, B., Brennig, K., Seger, T., Bartelheimer, C., von Enzberg, S., Kühn, A., & Dumitrescu, R. (2023). A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve their Process Mining Activities. European Conference on Information Systems.","ama":"Brock J, Löhr B, Brennig K, et al. A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve their Process Mining Activities. In: European Conference on Information Systems. ; 2023.","short":"J. Brock, B. Löhr, K. Brennig, T. Seger, C. Bartelheimer, S. von Enzberg, A. Kühn, R. Dumitrescu, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2023."},"year":"2023","date_updated":"2024-01-11T11:33:45Z","abstract":[{"text":"Organizations employ process mining to discover, check, or enhance process models based on data from information systems to improve business processes. Even though process mining is increasingly relevant in academia and organizations, achieving process mining excellence and generating business value through its application is elusive. Maturity models can help to manage interdisciplinary teams in their efforts to plan, implement, and manage process mining in organizations. However, while numerous maturity models on business process management (BPM) are available, recent calls for process mining maturity models indicate a gap in the current knowledge base. We systematically design and develop a comprehensive process mining maturity model that consists of five factors comprising 23 elements, which organizations need to develop to apply process mining sustainably and successfully. We contribute to the knowledge base by the exaptation of existing BPM maturity models, and validate our model through its application to a real-world scenario.","lang":"eng"}],"user_id":"51905","type":"conference","title":"A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve their Process Mining Activities","author":[{"full_name":"Brock, Jonathan","last_name":"Brock","first_name":"Jonathan"},{"last_name":"Löhr","full_name":"Löhr, Bernd","first_name":"Bernd","id":"56760"},{"last_name":"Brennig","full_name":"Brennig, Katharina","id":"51905","first_name":"Katharina"},{"first_name":"Thilo","last_name":"Seger","full_name":"Seger, Thilo"},{"first_name":"Christian","id":"49160","full_name":"Bartelheimer, Christian","last_name":"Bartelheimer"},{"full_name":"von Enzberg, Sebastian","last_name":"von Enzberg","first_name":"Sebastian"},{"last_name":"Kühn","full_name":"Kühn, Arno","first_name":"Arno"},{"last_name":"Dumitrescu","full_name":"Dumitrescu, Roman","first_name":"Roman"}],"department":[{"_id":"196"}],"date_created":"2024-01-11T11:32:42Z","publication":"European Conference on Information Systems","_id":"50459"}