{"date_updated":"2024-01-31T10:37:06Z","publisher":"Springer Nature Switzerland","editor":[{"last_name":"Keane","full_name":"Keane, T.","first_name":"T."},{"first_name":"C.","full_name":"Lewin, C.","last_name":"Lewin"},{"last_name":"Brinda","first_name":"T. ","full_name":"Brinda, T. "},{"last_name":"Bottino","full_name":"Bottino, R.","first_name":"R."}],"year":"2023","status":"public","page":"39-50","date_created":"2024-01-30T07:58:13Z","type":"book_chapter","publication":"Towards a collaborative society through creative learning","title":"Fostering students’ resilience. Analyses towards factors of individual resilience in the computer and information literacy domain","citation":{"chicago":"Drossel, Kerstin, Birgit Eickelmann, M. Vennemann, and Nadine Fröhlich. “Fostering students’ resilience. Analyses towards factors of individual resilience in the computer and information literacy domain.” In Towards a collaborative society through creative learning, edited by T. Keane, C. Lewin, T. Brinda, and R. Bottino, 39–50. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.","mla":"Drossel, Kerstin, et al. “Fostering students’ resilience. Analyses towards factors of individual resilience in the computer and information literacy domain.” Towards a collaborative society through creative learning, edited by T. Keane et al., Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, pp. 39–50.","ieee":"K. Drossel, B. Eickelmann, M. Vennemann, and N. Fröhlich, “Fostering students’ resilience. Analyses towards factors of individual resilience in the computer and information literacy domain,” in Towards a collaborative society through creative learning, T. Keane, C. Lewin, T. Brinda, and R. Bottino, Eds. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, pp. 39–50.","short":"K. Drossel, B. Eickelmann, M. Vennemann, N. Fröhlich, in: T. Keane, C. Lewin, T. Brinda, R. Bottino (Eds.), Towards a collaborative society through creative learning, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, pp. 39–50.","apa":"Drossel, K., Eickelmann, B., Vennemann, M., & Fröhlich, N. (2023). Fostering students’ resilience. Analyses towards factors of individual resilience in the computer and information literacy domain. In T. Keane, C. Lewin, T. Brinda, & R. Bottino (Eds.), Towards a collaborative society through creative learning (pp. 39–50). Springer Nature Switzerland.","ama":"Drossel K, Eickelmann B, Vennemann M, Fröhlich N. Fostering students’ resilience. Analyses towards factors of individual resilience in the computer and information literacy domain. In: Keane T, Lewin C, Brinda T, Bottino R, eds. Towards a collaborative society through creative learning. Springer Nature Switzerland; 2023:39-50.","bibtex":"@inbook{Drossel_Eickelmann_Vennemann_Fröhlich_2023, title={Fostering students’ resilience. Analyses towards factors of individual resilience in the computer and information literacy domain}, booktitle={Towards a collaborative society through creative learning}, publisher={Springer Nature Switzerland}, author={Drossel, Kerstin and Eickelmann, Birgit and Vennemann, M. and Fröhlich, Nadine}, editor={Keane, T. and Lewin, C. and Brinda, T. and Bottino, R.}, year={2023}, pages={39–50} }"},"author":[{"last_name":"Drossel","id":"48921","first_name":"Kerstin","full_name":"Drossel, Kerstin"},{"last_name":"Eickelmann","id":"40387","first_name":"Birgit","full_name":"Eickelmann, Birgit"},{"last_name":"Vennemann","first_name":"M.","full_name":"Vennemann, M."},{"first_name":"Nadine","full_name":"Fröhlich, Nadine","last_name":"Fröhlich","id":"38514"}],"main_file_link":[{"url":"https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/fostering-students-resilience-analyses-towards-factors-of-indivi/26097024"}],"user_id":"40387","_id":"51021","department":[{"_id":"462"}],"language":[{"iso":"ger"}]}