{"year":"2022","title":"Banking the Future of Banking: Savings banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany","keyword":["Sparkassen","Computer","1960er","Kreditwirtschaft","Digitalisierung","Deutschland {\\textless}DDR{\\textgreater}","Deutschland {\\textless}Bundesrepublik{\\textgreater}"],"author":[{"full_name":"Schmitt, Martin","last_name":"Schmitt","first_name":"Martin","id":"100968"}],"publisher":"ACM","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"book_chapter","user_id":"100968","_id":"51809","citation":{"bibtex":"@inbook{Schmitt_2022, place={New York}, title={Banking the Future of Banking: Savings banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany}, booktitle={Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing}, publisher={ACM}, author={Schmitt, Martin}, editor={van Lente, Dick}, year={2022}, pages={87–115} }","mla":"Schmitt, Martin. “Banking the Future of Banking: Savings Banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany.” Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing, edited by Dick van Lente, ACM, 2022, pp. 87–115.","ieee":"M. Schmitt, “Banking the Future of Banking: Savings banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany,” in Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing, D. van Lente, Ed. New York: ACM, 2022, pp. 87–115.","chicago":"Schmitt, Martin. “Banking the Future of Banking: Savings Banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany.” In Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing, edited by Dick van Lente, 87–115. New York: ACM, 2022.","apa":"Schmitt, M. (2022). Banking the Future of Banking: Savings banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany. In D. van Lente (Ed.), Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing (pp. 87–115). ACM.","short":"M. Schmitt, in: D. van Lente (Ed.), Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing, ACM, New York, 2022, pp. 87–115.","ama":"Schmitt M. Banking the Future of Banking: Savings banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany. In: van Lente D, ed. Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing. ACM; 2022:87–115."},"page":"87–115","publication":"Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing","place":"New York","date_updated":"2024-02-25T00:00:30Z","status":"public","editor":[{"last_name":"van Lente","full_name":"van Lente, Dick","first_name":"Dick"}],"date_created":"2024-02-24T23:27:32Z"}