{"status":"public","_id":"52427","publication_status":"published","citation":{"ama":"Schlüter A. 2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future. Marcus Nettelbeck","bibtex":"@book{Schlüter, title={2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future}, publisher={Marcus Nettelbeck}, author={Schlüter, Alexander} }","ieee":"A. Schlüter, 2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future. Marcus Nettelbeck.","chicago":"Schlüter, Alexander. 2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future. Marcus Nettelbeck, n.d.","short":"A. Schlüter, 2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future, Marcus Nettelbeck, n.d.","mla":"Schlüter, Alexander. 2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future. Marcus Nettelbeck.","apa":"Schlüter, A. (n.d.). 2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future. Marcus Nettelbeck."},"type":"misc","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"author":[{"last_name":"Schlüter","first_name":"Alexander","orcid":"0000-0002-2569-1624","full_name":"Schlüter, Alexander","id":"103302"}],"title":"2050 - The Future Podcast, Folge The Energy Systems of the Future","date_created":"2024-03-10T08:07:40Z","user_id":"103302","date_updated":"2024-03-13T21:59:42Z","publisher":"Marcus Nettelbeck","department":[{"_id":"9"},{"_id":"876"}],"extern":"1"}