{"date_created":"2024-03-25T10:02:25Z","type":"journal_article","date_updated":"2024-03-25T10:10:11Z","status":"public","title":"Preservice teachers’ mathematics-related values and expectancy in the transition from school to university","department":[{"_id":"10"},{"_id":"625"},{"_id":"34"},{"_id":"97"},{"_id":"98"}],"doi":"10.48489/QUADRANTE.31191","user_id":"30933","language":[{"iso":"en"}],"citation":{"ieee":"“Preservice teachers’ mathematics-related values and expectancy in the transition from school to university,” 2023, doi: 10.48489/QUADRANTE.31191.","bibtex":"@article{Preservice teachers’ mathematics-related values and expectancy in the transition from school to university_2023, DOI={10.48489/QUADRANTE.31191}, year={2023} }","ama":"Preservice teachers’ mathematics-related values and expectancy in the transition from school to university. Published online 2023. doi:10.48489/QUADRANTE.31191","apa":"Preservice teachers’ mathematics-related values and expectancy in the transition from school to university. (2023). https://doi.org/10.48489/QUADRANTE.31191","mla":"Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics-Related Values and Expectancy in the Transition from School to University. 2023, doi:10.48489/QUADRANTE.31191.","short":"(2023).","chicago":"“Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics-Related Values and Expectancy in the Transition from School to University,” 2023. https://doi.org/10.48489/QUADRANTE.31191."},"year":"2023","_id":"52807","abstract":[{"text":"Many preservice mathematics teachers lose their motivation during their first year at university. This phenomenon has been repeatedly described in recent years but is not yet fully under­stood. Since motivation may relate to different objects such as mathematics or teaching, we aim to qualitatively reconstruct different facets of the central motivational constructs of Situated-Expectancy-Value theory (intrinsic value, attainment value, utility value, cost, and expectancy of success) for preservice mathematics teachers. The analysis of longitudinal group interviews of 14 pre­service higher-secondary mathematic teachers from a German university revealed different objects of motivation (e.g., teaching mathematics, scientific mathematics, procedural mathematics, or proof-based mathematics) in preservice teachers' values and expectancy of success. Furthermore, relations between those values and expectancy of success were identified that played a significant role in preservice teachers’ motivational development over their first semester (e.g., relations of attain­ment value for scientific mathematics and psychological cost). Theoretical and practical implications towards a teaching-specific conceptualization of expectancy of success and values and value interventions are being discussed.","lang":"eng"}]}