{"year":"2022","keyword":["General Mathematics"],"status":"public","author":[{"first_name":"Michael","last_name":"Winkler","full_name":"Winkler, Michael"}],"issue":"19","type":"journal_article","user_id":"31496","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"volume":2023,"publisher":"Oxford University Press (OUP)","page":"16336-16393","date_created":"2024-04-07T12:33:44Z","publication_status":"published","date_updated":"2024-04-07T12:36:06Z","_id":"53319","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Abstract\r\n The Neumann problem for (0.1)$$ \\begin{align}& V_t = \\Delta V-aV+f(x,t) \\end{align}$$is considered in bounded domains $\\Omega \\subset {\\mathbb {R}}^n$ with smooth boundary, where $n\\ge 1$ and $a\\in {\\mathbb {R}}$. By means of a variational approach, a statement on boundedness of the quantities $$ \\begin{eqnarray*} \\sup_{t\\in (0,T)} \\int_\\Omega \\big|\\nabla V(\\cdot,t)\\big|^p L^{\\frac{n+p}{n+2}} \\Big( \\big|\\nabla V(\\cdot,t)\\big| \\Big) \\end{eqnarray*}$$in dependence on the expressions (0.2)$$ \\begin{align}& \\sup_{t\\in (0,T-\\tau)} \\int_t^{t+\\tau} \\int_\\Omega |f|^{\\frac{(n+2)p}{n+p}} L\\big( |f|\\big) \\end{align}$$is derived for $p\\ge 2$, $\\tau>0$, and $T\\ge 2\\tau $, provided that $L\\in C^0([0,\\infty ))$ is positive, strictly increasing, unbounded, and slowly growing in the sense that $\\limsup _{s\\to \\infty } \\frac {L(s^{\\lambda _0})}{L(s)} <\\infty $ for some $\\lambda _0>1$. In the particular case when $p=n\\ge 2$, an additional condition on growth of $L$, particularly satisfied by $L(\\xi ):=\\ln ^\\alpha (\\xi +b)$ whenever $b>0$ and $\\alpha>\\frac {(n+2)(n-1)}{2n}$, is identified as sufficient to ensure that as a consequence of the above, bounds for theintegrals in (0.2) even imply estimates for the spatio-temporal modulus of continuity of solutions to (0.1). A subsequent application to the Keller–Segel system $$ \\begin{eqnarray*} \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{l} u_t = \\nabla \\cdot \\big( D(v)\\nabla u\\big) - \\nabla \\cdot \\big( uS(v)\\nabla v\\big) + ru - \\mu u^2, \\\\[1mm] v_t = \\Delta v-v+u, \\end{array} \\right. \\end{eqnarray*}$$shows that when $n=2$, $r\\in {\\mathbb {R}}$, $0<D\\in C^2([0,\\infty ))$, and $S\\in C^2([0,\\infty )) \\cap W^{1,\\infty }((0,\\infty ))$ and thus especially in the presence of arbitrarily strong diffusion degeneracies implied by rapid decay of $D$, any choice of $\\mu>0$ excludes blowup in the sense that for all suitably regular nonnegative initial data, an associated initial-boundary value problem admits a global bounded classical solution."}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["1073-7928","1687-0247"]},"doi":"10.1093/imrn/rnac286","publication":"International Mathematics Research Notices","citation":{"chicago":"Winkler, Michael. “A Result on Parabolic Gradient Regularity in Orlicz Spaces and Application to Absorption-Induced Blow-Up Prevention in a Keller–Segel-Type Cross-Diffusion System.” International Mathematics Research Notices 2023, no. 19 (2022): 16336–93. https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnac286.","mla":"Winkler, Michael. “A Result on Parabolic Gradient Regularity in Orlicz Spaces and Application to Absorption-Induced Blow-Up Prevention in a Keller–Segel-Type Cross-Diffusion System.” International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2023, no. 19, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022, pp. 16336–93, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnac286.","apa":"Winkler, M. (2022). A Result on Parabolic Gradient Regularity in Orlicz Spaces and Application to Absorption-Induced Blow-Up Prevention in a Keller–Segel-Type Cross-Diffusion System. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023(19), 16336–16393. https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnac286","ieee":"M. Winkler, “A Result on Parabolic Gradient Regularity in Orlicz Spaces and Application to Absorption-Induced Blow-Up Prevention in a Keller–Segel-Type Cross-Diffusion System,” International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2023, no. 19, pp. 16336–16393, 2022, doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnac286.","short":"M. Winkler, International Mathematics Research Notices 2023 (2022) 16336–16393.","ama":"Winkler M. A Result on Parabolic Gradient Regularity in Orlicz Spaces and Application to Absorption-Induced Blow-Up Prevention in a Keller–Segel-Type Cross-Diffusion System. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2022;2023(19):16336-16393. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnac286","bibtex":"@article{Winkler_2022, title={A Result on Parabolic Gradient Regularity in Orlicz Spaces and Application to Absorption-Induced Blow-Up Prevention in a Keller–Segel-Type Cross-Diffusion System}, volume={2023}, DOI={10.1093/imrn/rnac286}, number={19}, journal={International Mathematics Research Notices}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Winkler, Michael}, year={2022}, pages={16336–16393} }"},"intvolume":" 2023","title":"A Result on Parabolic Gradient Regularity in Orlicz Spaces and Application to Absorption-Induced Blow-Up Prevention in a Keller–Segel-Type Cross-Diffusion System"}