{"citation":{"mla":"Schlarbaum, Laura, et al. “Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the NutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score.” Foods, vol. 11, no. 24, 4011, MDPI AG, 2022, doi:10.3390/foods11244011.","ama":"Schlarbaum L, Forner F, Bohn K, et al. Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the nutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score. Foods. 2022;11(24). doi:10.3390/foods11244011","bibtex":"@article{Schlarbaum_Forner_Bohn_Amberg_Mäder_Lorkowski_Meier_2022, title={Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the nutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score}, volume={11}, DOI={10.3390/foods11244011}, number={244011}, journal={Foods}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Schlarbaum, Laura and Forner, Frank and Bohn, Kristin and Amberg, Michael and Mäder, Patrick and Lorkowski, Stefan and Meier, Toni}, year={2022} }","short":"L. Schlarbaum, F. Forner, K. Bohn, M. Amberg, P. Mäder, S. Lorkowski, T. Meier, Foods 11 (2022).","apa":"Schlarbaum, L., Forner, F., Bohn, K., Amberg, M., Mäder, P., Lorkowski, S., & Meier, T. (2022). Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the nutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score. Foods, 11(24), Article 4011. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11244011","chicago":"Schlarbaum, Laura, Frank Forner, Kristin Bohn, Michael Amberg, Patrick Mäder, Stefan Lorkowski, and Toni Meier. “Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the NutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score.” Foods 11, no. 24 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11244011.","ieee":"L. Schlarbaum et al., “Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the nutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score,” Foods, vol. 11, no. 24, Art. no. 4011, 2022, doi: 10.3390/foods11244011."},"publication":"Foods","doi":"10.3390/foods11244011","volume":11,"issue":"24","publication_identifier":{"issn":["2304-8158"]},"publisher":"MDPI AG","article_number":"4011","author":[{"full_name":"Schlarbaum, Laura","last_name":"Schlarbaum","id":"96697","first_name":"Laura"},{"first_name":"Frank","full_name":"Forner, Frank","last_name":"Forner"},{"first_name":"Kristin","last_name":"Bohn","full_name":"Bohn, Kristin"},{"full_name":"Amberg, Michael","last_name":"Amberg","first_name":"Michael"},{"first_name":"Patrick","full_name":"Mäder, Patrick","last_name":"Mäder"},{"first_name":"Stefan","last_name":"Lorkowski","full_name":"Lorkowski, Stefan"},{"full_name":"Meier, Toni","last_name":"Meier","first_name":"Toni"}],"_id":"53788","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Globally, an unbalanced diet causes more deaths than any other factor. Due to a lack of knowledge, it is difficult for consumers to select healthy foods at the point of sale. Although different front-of-pack labeling schemes exist, their informative value is limited due to small sets of considered parameters and lacking information on ingredient composition. We developed and evalauated a manufacture-independent approach to quantify ingredient composition of 294 ready-to eat salads (distinguished into 73 subgroups) as test set. Nutritional quality was assessed by the nutriRECIPE-Index and compared to the Nutri-Score. The nutriRECIPE-Index comprises the calculation of energy-adjusted nutrient density of 16 desirable and three undesirable nutrients, which are weighted according to their degree of supply in the population. We show that the nutriRECIPE-Index has stronger discriminatory power compared to the Nutri-Score and discriminates as well or even better in 63 out of the 73 subgroups. This was evident in groups where seemingly similar products were compared, e.g., potato salads (Nutri-Score: C only, nutriRECIPE-Index: B, C and D). Moreover, the nutriRECIPE-Index is adjustable to any target population’s specific needs and supply situation, such as seniors, and children. Hence, a more sophisticated distinction between single food products is possible using the nutriRECIPE-Index."}],"intvolume":" 11","date_created":"2024-04-29T11:51:14Z","date_updated":"2024-05-29T08:57:34Z","status":"public","year":"2022","title":"Nutritional Assessment of Ready-to-Eat Salads in German Supermarkets: Comparison of the nutriRECIPE-Index and the Nutri-Score","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"journal_article","user_id":"96697","publication_status":"published"}